
Since he’s not actually lifting the weights, you’d think he’d have at least asked for them to use some respectable poundage for the photo.

It is linked now. Sorry :(

Yes, that was the winning line, for sure.

The acceleration experienced by the passengers of the car has nothing to do with how large the car was, or how much force the brakes would have to apply in order to slow the car down.
The passengers are essentially projectiles who are being restrained by the seatbelts of the vehicle, and thus are independent of the

Well, I don't know about "still going." I had a big professional licensing exam this weekend so I haven't been on the site for a few days and only now am able to read the comments.

I don't think I'm deluded or trolling. I just put out an opinion that is a little different from how most people interpret what happened,

Haha, your idea of how physics works is entertaining, even if not too accurate. If the Range Rover driver would have had to brake with enough force to cause everyone in the car to implode, then how is it that the motorcyclist was able to slow down at the same rate while casually riding with one hand on the bars and

I never said that he sped up, I said that it didn't look like he tried very hard, if at all, to slow down once the biker pulled in front of him.

I don't think that "all bets are off" once someone brake checks you. That doesn't give you the green light to just hit them. I also don't see it as a "brake check." To me,

Actually, I have over 15,000 miles under my belt on a Ninja500 that I commute with. It's true that the throttle and brake controls on a bike are on the right, however, braking quickly causes your body weight to shift forward, due to momentum, and with only one hand on the bars, that transfers all of the force from

Yeah I'm not even trying to say he should have pulled over and parked, though obviously that would have been the smartest thing to do. I'm glad someone else sees what my point is. When you're outnumbered 500/1, just use some common sense and try not to make yourself a target OR let them make you into one.

Yep, I'm basically stating that I don't feel that bad because I think he either purposefully hit him, or at the very least didn't do much to avoid it. You make some good observations, and I'm not saying I'm 100% sure of my interpretation, but that's just my take on it.

See my example about a group of thugs going into a bar. Just because someone taunts you to punch them, that doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Take a second and watch it again. The guy who cuts in front of him had just finished shouting something (to/at/back and forth with) the driver through his open window. He then pulls in front of the SUV (I wouldn't really even call it cutting the guy off. He does not make the move suddenly.) and proceeds to slow down,

I'd suggest that rear-ending a bike on purpose (my opinion based on the original video, at least) was part of the escalation.
And, as far as I've heard, the biker who is now in a coma was not doing anything to the car, and was only in front of it because he was checking on his buddy who was the asshole who got hit in

I totally agree with you that the people who beat him up should be punished. I'm not advocating on their behalf at all. I am just explaining why I don't really feel bad for the driver. The only people I think had no control over the situation are the wife and kid, so I feel bad for them.

The rider who cuts the guy off is looking back over his shoulder with one hand on the bars. It is really difficult to slam on the brakes with only one hand on the bars. To me, it looks like the driver had time to slow down if he had wanted to, but I don't think that he wanted to.
It is just my opinion that the driver

My definition of "suddenly" and yours is quite different. He definitely slows down, but it doesn't appear to me that he jams on the brakes and the guy in the SUV slams into him. He cuts him off and likely lets off on the throttle, slowing down. The SUV appears to make no attempt to avoid hitting him. That's how I see

Well, I can only go off of what I've read and what it looks like in the video, and to me, it looks like he tapped the first guy on purpose, or at the very least, made no attempt to back off when he cut in front.
As a responsible motorcycle commuter with over 15,000 miles under my belt, I get pissed at bikers who weave

I'm not justifying it for either person. But if the leader of a gang of thugs says, "go ahead, hit me" and you do, don't be surprised when you get punched back, and REALLY don't be surprised when his gang tries to kill you after you run one of them over as you run for your life.

"Deserve"? Sure, I'll buy that. Was it smart/right of the driver to give the guy what he deserved just because he was riding his bike like an a-hole? No. That's all I'm trying to say.

You can pretty clearly see him bump into a biker in the original video. Whether he got knocked to the ground or not, you can't really tell, but if you've ever had anyone tap the back wheel of a bike, it can't imagine it's easy to keep from tipping, especially at relatively low speed (bikes are more stable at high