Geez Louise, settle the fuck down. It was a fuckin’ joke. Calm your tits.
Geez Louise, settle the fuck down. It was a fuckin’ joke. Calm your tits.
Not that being dead ever stopped Chicago residents from participating in the electoral process.
C’mon man, that’s not fair. Sox fans can’t write.
Hey bud, from all of us here at the Deadspin comment section, go fuck yourself.
Jose Calderowned
Time for a Kickstarter to raise insane amounts of money for them!
small quibble, "road rage" implies losing it over some trivial driving faux pas. Someone rear-ending you at a stop light is grounds for maximum apeshit fury.
Kid: AHHH MY NECK, MY BACK, AHHHHH!!!.... Wait, he doesn't have insurance?!
If Bochy forgets to lure out the Royals' Clan Castle before sending the Giants out there, they're going to have a tough time tonight. Better bring some Hog Riders and lightning spells, too, to knock out the Air Defense before they kill the Healers.
If he doesn't, the Royals will probably GoWiPe the floor with them…
My favorite feature of the Gingerbread Estate is how all of the gingerbread women hold their purses tightly if you add a chocolate cookie to the set
Am I the only one who actually kind of wants the monogrammed steak brand now that I know its a thing?
you typed neck buti think you meant chest
And that's how Mike Glennon was made.
I was going to take this toilet's virginity with a fury and savagery that was an abomination to its delicate craftsmanship and quality.
But this is the most embarassing poo story I've ever read:…
yeah everyone forgets that the driver could have just parked his car on the highway until they all passed instead of escalating the situation.
The best one (3:00 min mark) is the guy getting clobbered while staring at the ass of the lady in front of him.
I think ol boy who laid down in the crosswalk got a little more than he was bargaining for. I find that very comforting that he perhaps got exactly what he deserved.
actually yes, I do have personal experience as I have taken both self defense and Krav Maga classes and I can tell you that with out prior training it is definitely not an easy task, especially against someone who is in a state of enraged psychosis. a lot less likely to kill you? maybe if you've only been stabbed once…