
Only when watching gay porn *zing*

This feels like it was written for Leo to narrate.

Oh my god. seriously. Sitting here at work an all of a sudden BWOOPP A LOOPA DOOP DOOP DIDDLY DEE HERE IS SOME POKEMON MUSIC. PLEASE ENJOY

So.....the joke flew clear over your head, didn't it?

You are indeed "that guy".

You rat bastard! You took time travel and used it for evil!

There's a .gif of that knocking about isn't there? I recall seeing a pilot eject and get shot out of the sky with a lightning gun of some form.

This gen's best new feature: fanboyvision.

How do we know she isn't already on their payroll?

She sure as hell shares enough of their videos.

You're definitely right about that.

You would think that after 8 years you would have figured out that Kotaku is not a "gaming" site.

P'much, Kotaku has significantly declined in quality the last year

It's Kotaku, did you expect much substance?

PATRICIA'S posts. don't group the great with the worst.

I was going to make a comment along the lines of, "kotaku's article names are starting to sound like dumb buzzfeed lists." But then the post was about a buzzfeed list.

Keep us posted on these breaking news Patricia!

Lmao. You should cup-o-noodle everything in the picture. The shirts, the faces, the poster... Everything!

My first ever Kotaku 'Shop entry.