Mosh pit!
Mosh pit!
Actually it was the original comment I misread. :P
I hate to destroy your childhood, but blowing on games was probably the reason you had issues with them in the first place. Moisture from your breath was corrosive to some of the components of the cartridge.
I'm sure it would be more than happy to show you. ;)
Something something Danny Zuko.
You can see many examples of the blue light of death on YouTube. This one, for example:
I can totally see Nina Totenberg swearing up a storm playing CoD.
Ah. Alright then. Not that I give a shit about streaming or making "lets play" vids, but it seems like a no brainer.
I get it.
Streaming itself isn't behind the pay-wall, but most of the stuff anyone would want to stream is.
Wait. Is there not an option to upload to YouTube?
Ventilation permitting, this will be exactly how they are going into my entertainment center.
This War for Cybertron trailers is freakin' epic:
Thanks. I'll add you back when I get off.
I'm not sure that's enough numbers. :p
Finally bothered to set up the friend code thing and now noone is doing the random add me threads anymore. Well, add me: 2766-9201-7833.
X. box. one. Mmm!
Someone sent me a Pokemon with pokerus the other day so now all the charmanders and squirtles I send out through the wonder trade have it on them. :D
Personally, I think Infinity Ward is just chasing it's tail at this point.