
Bomber: "No! My runway."

I feel so bad for that poor robot, he has to feel really embarrassed over the whole thing... and on "bring your kid to work day" too.

So... What's up with the console version? Isn't this thing made using XNA?

So I take it that this is the reason the Beta sites are down as well. If so, when will they be back up? Because after using them for two months, old school Gawker just doesn't cut it anymore.

I did used to dream about CoD:4 a lot, but I can't say that I've

@lilgamerman: @ObZen: So the Aliens would then have to communicate through Ezio, then Desmond, Then Raiden, just to talk to me?

Just an idea, but how about the ability to use it on my freaking iPad?!

And these people wonder why pirating runs rampant.

...I'm pretty sure they've had these in America for a while now. That Braille on the can is news to me though.

@MichaelPalin: I think he was referring to the $5 down you have to give Gamestop in order to preorder something.

I used to work at the Gamestop in university mall in Tuscaloosa. If anyone did it it was those guys. Also, I would have preordered the hell outta the game if I could have gotten one of those for my self.

Damn, you can almost taste the hostility. Mmmmm, football season.

Chibiteasu, damn you Japan :p

No Silicon Knights?

@dirtybacon: It will I tell you, IT WILL! God damnit why wont anyone listen to me?! Hey, what's... what's that? NO! get away from me.

this is, sadly, not even close to the article i thought is was going to be :(