This just looks like dollarweed to me. My yard is full of it. I can’t get rid of it.
This just looks like dollarweed to me. My yard is full of it. I can’t get rid of it.
I am a boss. One year my employees got me a cookie bouquet, which was sweet but also a little like... wtf is this? I know what y’all get paid. Don’t spend your money on me. (I have no control over what they get paid, we all work for the local government). But that’s the only time in 7 years I’ve gotten a boss’ day…
Afterbite! That stuff is magic. If you get it on soon enough, it makes the bite totally go away (for me). I was sitting outside the other day and got 7 bites all in a cluster on my arm, put that stuff on it and they were gone within an hour.
I did premarital counseling through our officiant with my husband and even starting with a very solid relationship found it extremely helpful. It can definitely help establish healthy ways to address disagreements. Our officiant is religious but we are not & our ceremony & the counseling was not. If it’s an option for…
I live in a fairly conservative area and the paranoid urban legendy shit that they post is crazy. No one is putting mouse traps in people’s mailboxes, guys.
Fellow librarian here (public not school library, but this is how I go about it)- do you have any circulation data? Since it’s a school library I don’t know if you mostly just have stuff that’s used in the school, or actually taken out. Anything that hasn’t been used in 5+years or is 20+ years old can absolutely go,…
The only thing I think you can really do to reassure them is make sure they know that you will continue to be their ally and will stand up & advocate for them/refugee communities. It might not be much, but it’s not nothing.
I live in and work for Jefferson Parish! Fun times down here right now! Dude’s poor wife is heavily, heavily pregnant with their second child right now. I feel bad for her, but generally I don’t think he should resign. We’ll see what happens, I am definitely the minority opinion.
I’m really into carving foam pumpkin right now (yay it’s October!) Here is tonight’s creation.
I did the whole name switcheroo, where I dropped my middle name and made my maiden name my middle name and took my husband’s last name. It was 100% the right choice for me. I was never that attached to my middle name, and if I’d kept it and changed my last name my initials would be ALL which for some reason I really…
I was supposed to cook last night, pasta with sausage and red pepper sauce, but someone didn’t realize it was my night to cook and made pasta themselves with nasty, watery, jar tomato sauce. It was highly upsetting.
I’m not defending those girls (really, I’m not!) but I grew up in a Midwest town where the only Asian restaurants were Chinese. When I went to college, I called all Asian food Chinese. I remembering going to a Thai place on a date & repeated calling it Chinese food & the guy I was with was pretty embarrassed for me.…
I've never had a problem beyond the minor annoyance of being searched. The only reason I mention it is because I rarely get searched & when it happened the first time I was kinda like "huh..." & then my husband told me why.
I guess I would advise approaching your friend when she starts bitching like "I get that you are upset with the way this supervisor is treating you, and I think that's valid. However I don't have the same experience with her & I haven't seen anything specifically that seems racist, so it's hard for me to know how to…
damn that's harsh. Subjecting 30 cats to an asshole like that?!
one of my fb friends posted the other day about how is everyone in her newsfeed currently pregnant? & I responded something like "my womb is vacate, thanks for inquiring." It made me happy.
I still miss my kitty I had to put to sleep a year ago. It's not an everyday thing anymore, just random moments of "damn, I really miss that cat." I just think of it as a testament to how truly awesome she was, and how much I loved her. If we still think of them & miss them this much in death, they had to know how…
random thing I know from experience... Apparently magic decks can look like plastic explosives in the bag scanners! I've never had a problem in large airports, but in small airports I've always been searched when carrying decks of cards. Not really a packing tip, just an weird/interesting fact.
I have done lots of shit with my hair, nothing I think is too crazy (but some might think pixie cut & dying it pink is crazy). I can't think of anything in particular I regretted. It's just hair. If you hate the dye job, you can always dye it again. If you hate the cut, it will change in a matter of months. Now, my…
I'm big into scifi/fantasy which I realize isn't everyone's cup of tea. Here are my suggestions anyway- World Made By Hand trilogy by James Kunstler, Omens by Kelley Armstrong (first of a series, second book came out last year), The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter (also a the first of a series, 3 books…