
As someone who is getting married on 12/13/14, it is 100% so we can remember the anniversary. And it seemed cool, but mostly remembering.

awwww that looks just like my kitty! Safe travels!

I don't think it's a terrible idea, but that also depends on the safety of the city/area you are in. When I was new in town & going out with people or to places I wasn't too familiar with I would make sure to not drink much & never let my drinks out of my hand & sight (which I know are kind of obvious) & let people

This is literally the best thing. Congrats to your happy family!

I have no helpful comments, just sympathy. I'm not in the same situation as you (which sound horrible & I'm sorry & I hope you are able to remedy it soon), but I'm also getting sick of people talking about my weight/weight loss. I've decided recently that it would be healthy for me to lose some weight & have been

I'm sure you guys have talked about your sexual disconnect going on lately, but if not maybe it world help if you spelled it out? Tell him something like "I know it's been troubling that we haven't been on the same page lately, and it's troubling me too. I hope soon I/we will be back into our previous enthusiastic

My dad has called my fiancé by my ex's name more than once... Especially after drinking. Fiancé has not noticed/cared as far as I can tell... To be fair I was with my ex for substantially longer than I have been with my fiancé but I know without a doubt my parents like my fiancé more (they were quite nice & civil with

I know Dan Savage isn't everyone's cup of tea but I feel like his advice on the subject could be helpful in your situation. P in V isn't the only way to do sexy times. Maybe just some getting naked together/mutual touching/handjob/oral type stuff could ease you back into feeling up for sex while making him still feel

I sympathize with the painful grandma calls. I called mine today as well. She is at least fairly supportive of my life choices (mostly because I don't talk about the ones she wouldn't support) but it is still extremely draining to talk to her. Every time I call it's all about how she wishes she would die already

I am a librarian and previously worked in a really shitty job with a bunch of awesome people. We were all constantly trying to find new jobs and the librarian field is not a great job market right now, so we definitely applied many times over for the same job. It is really hard. REALLY REALLY HARD. I just had to take

Got that for Christmas from my aunt... guess I'm not so good at hiding my crazy cat lady-ness.

I kinda sorta joined okc before my last relationship ended... I mean it was ending & we'd agreed to be open so it's not super bad or anything but I don't think there is like a time limit. You must wait at least a month before making online dating profile! Or something stupid like that. I tend to go right from

Fair enough! For me it depends on the situation. Most of the time I feel like ugh that's too sickeningly sweet gonna vomit, but when it comes to weddings I admit I'm a little sappy. Plus I'm always a sucker for a good sweet (taste wise) cocktail so that's why it appeals to me.

I'm all for letting people mix their own drinks, because then they can make it more or less boozey depending on preference. You could even mix up some pitchers of mixers and just let people add the booze as they see fit. If you like sappy shit you can google "signature wedding cocktails" & find all sorts of drinks

I'm having a mini pity party because I've been doing chores all day & it sucks & my friend is flaking on our evening plans so I definitely appreciate a good dose of positivity & a chance to reflect on why my life doesn't actually suck.
1. I'm getting married this year!
2. My kitties are hilarious and can always be

My future in-laws got me a cat litter pan and a fitbit... which kind of sounds like terrible presents, except they were on my amazon wishlist and were exactly what I wanted. I was very pleased.

Let the batteries run down a bit/use old-ish batteries. Mine is always a bit intense with fresh batteries but after a few uses it gets to a more tolerable/enjoyable level.

Although I will add that it is very insensitive to talk at length about the wedding plans where a bunch of non-invited people can read it.

I understand why you are offended but try to remember that 1. Weddings can be fucking expensive & 2. Guest lists are not always entirely in the control of the bride & groom. It's quite possible they wanted you there from the beginning but due to space/budget limitations they couldn't make it work until the second

I always order pizza with a million toppings because my fiancé is super picky & basically only wants pepperoni. But other then that I basically do the things you've already done... Watch tv he doesn't like, chores, hang out with friends, plus reading, crafts and catch up on work from home type stuff. Also sometimes I