
With fedoras to top it all.

*goes for brain bleach*

Guys at the meet were like:

Ok, you just fucking won.

You know what? I kinda like it. The past SE model looked like a tryhard.

I'm sorry, but you failed at existing by leaving this one out:

Premeditated murder involves you know, actually planning to kill someone. Drunk people can't plan for shit, after all.


gotta go fast

I feel bad for Subaru. When they made the WRX into a hatchback, all they heard were complaints. Now, the WRX is only a sedan. All they're hearing are complaints. Well, the complaints might soon stop: A WRX hatch is under consideration.

How? It takes a lot more to make me laugh.

Because it's DICE/EA, aka "we make bridges with Nintendo, then we burn them afterwards and we shit on their ashes because reasons despite having a horrible track record and PR" and not a random idiot on Twitter, perhaps?

Well, they must have a really low bar for comedy.

>implying the tweet is even funny on itself.

Good thing there wasn't internet in those days...

It's turning into Justin Bieber

indeed. It's cringeworthy at best(?)


Because it's more shitstorm-inducing stuff rather than mischief.

Huh, seems like DICE's sense of humor is like Battlefield 4: broken as shit.