
N For one thing, they need to stop sending cease and desist letters to customers who were only having a bit of harmless fun. Sure, they gotta clamp down on people building unauthorized Ferrari clones...but novelty wraps? Gmafb. Personalizing cars as they see fit should be the purview of the owner, not the

Woah woah woah. Are you trying you say the XJ220 is an ugly car? Them there is fightin' words.

You are crazy.

I don't think many white trash types have the coin for a $100k+ sports car.

You know it's not just an engine technology, right? It's a philosophy.

Because Andrew's hobby is kicking kittens.

I WANT ONE BADLY. Seriously.

Wait, wait, wait. Why is it on one side of Jalopnik we decry a 612hp SUV from Mercedes when on the other we're demanding that Chrysler make a Grand Cherokee Hellcat?

I really want to do this to an Aston Martin V8 Vantage...

I'd be good with them if they came with the Hayabusa swap as an option.

It's only a filter and the 30 cents is filter removal. Unless you're desperate to access porn on your 3DS, just shut up. And this is the first system-version exclusive that they have. Da fuck dumb people these days. If you're talking about the CCP games, they aren't system-version exclusives, and they work perfectly

Don't buy a fucking 3DS then if you don't know how to use it properly in concert with child-rearing. That's my view. I'm sick of having to make allowances for STUPID FUCKING PARENTS who should never have reproduced it the first place.

How dare you bring reasoned logic onto the internet.

Eh. That's fair I guess. I'm sure some people will get bent out of shape about this and shout "censorship" and all that, but honestly, for a quarter and a nickel, I think this is a reasonable-if-imperfect solution to the "family friendly console with internet" problem.

You should ask that to Sony and Microsoft, since none of them showed interest in the sequel.

Untrue. I care, and I'm guessing so do many. Monster Hunter is catching on.

In the words of the designer/owner himself: "It may not be everybody's taste, but at the end of the day it is my car."

As someone who has self-identified as a "gamer" since my years as a nerdy, severely bullied teenager, into my adult life as a professional artist in the indie game development scene, and a reasonable, progressive individual who cares about social issues, I can't stress how profoundly offended I feel every single time

Point of fact; women get harassed when they disagree with "Social Justice Warriors" as well. Thing is, those same warriors like to think the opposition to them is based on male privilege. So they just pretend they don't exist when it's time to make generalizations.