
You can be a shill without any incentives.

1) Did you realize that the monetization of the game is absolutely psychologically abusive and designed to prey onto weak minds?
2) Did you notice that the game has a design made for creating habits and tempting people to spend money, creating or feeding gambling adictions

That isn’t how it works and you guys know it. Obviously nobody pushed a suitcase full of cash under a table to him, that isn’t what we are saying....

What we ARE saying is that your platform is choosing to “brush off” a lot of legit criticism to garner and remain positive in the eyes of the publisher as to not burn

I actually disagree with this. If you want a real example of that you should go read Fahey’s gushing about Marvel Future Revolution.  Which read somewhere between self-justification and like he’d been paid to talk it up.

I haven’t played enough Immortal to see where the paywall really is, but in MFR was right there out

Every positively-spun article Kotaku writers have written about this game have felt like an addict defensively scrambling to justify their actions. The lack of self-awareness is... not something I expected. All of them are missing the forest for the trees.

The intended audience doesn’t change that these games are predatory. You make it sound like criticism regarding the exploitation of whales is somehow platform dependent.


Imagine thinking Robocop is objectively terrible.

“weird nerds who love Elon Musk”

There is a difference between “Believe her” and “Believe her no matter how much evidence come out that she is liar”.

bbbbut only WOMEN can be victims <snicker>

She in fact has contradicted her own testimonies in the UK case, which means she probably committed perjury there too.

Even in the face of the most compelling evidence, you’ll keep your opinion. Wow... Impressive.

As a man who has been raped before, men can be victims as well. She literally faked evidence and lied under oath and is now facing perjury possible charges in UK, US, and Australia. It’s not “believe women” it’s “believe victims”. Amber is the abuser, NOT the victim.

Her defense didn’t have a great case. Hard to defend a defamation case when your client can’t stop perjuring herself on the stand. 

LMAO he’s not going to see a red cent of that. This case is a good reminder that credibility matters. Amber Heard perjured herself on the stand multiple times throughout this litigation. The jurors rightfully found that everything she said was therefore bullshit. 

“And yet, the scars of seeing how truly cruel the court of public opinion can be for any self-identifying woman who alleges abuse and assault are indelible.”

Commenters have been telling me for a month straight that the UK trial PROVED Depp was guilty of physical violence and abuse against Heard. I guess him winning this case PROVES he didn’t and that she was the primary aggressor!

This is a great day for male survivors of abuse who have never had a voice before.

What a cunt move, Shannon. “Alec Baldwin discharged a firearm on the set of his latest film” is followed soon thereafter with, “The firearm, which is being referred to as a “prop gun” in the media without any definitive proof that it was not a real firearm...”

What the fuck is this headline? It makes it sound like Baldwin was complicit in some way in the shooting. I get it, he’s an asshole, but there’s literally 0 evidence that on his end this was anything but an awful accident. The prop guy may be culpable, but Baldwin sure as shit isn’t.