
Millions of people laugh at Chapelle’s jokes.

If I am in a survival situation using a phone light would just about be the last thing I’d ever bother with; even if the phone was only useful for being a flashlight.

Single player games have to be easy and cater to you?

“Appropriation” of what? Hoe culture?

If I interviewed someone wearing those shoes at my job, I wouldn’t hire them.
They aren’t professional and they look ridiculous. 

A message from an old fogey to the youth: You’re not reinventing the wheel. Yesterday’s slackers determine today’s status quo policies. America is on the way down and deciding that your feelings create everyone else’s reality is only hastening the decline.

Can we please stop villainizing crypto with statements like this...

“Except don’t, because blockchain technology, at least in its current form is contributing to the destruction of the planet” 

This is not true, there are in fact energy efficient crypto currencies that do not use extreme amounts of energy for mining

Kind of funny how we’ve done a 180 in terms of it used to being the bible thumping Maude Flanders of the world policing words and it’s now the people who’d consider themselves “liberal.”

Wrong. You NEED job because capitalism.

I don’t think the patriarchy counts on women drinking, it is just one of the main ways men have coped for most of humankind. What I find historically interesting, is for a huge chunk of American history, women did not drink or if they did, it was extremely infrequently. Women were held in high regard as Pillars of

I don’t think it’s fatphobic to want to be in better shape, no matter who you are. 

I agree. As noted, the Pentagon has admitted some sightings of UAP are true. So why wouldn’t science sites treat the topic as credible? Things were observed, don’t know what it could it be, seems pretty basic science to me.

It’s benign, but it’s annoying.

ok yeah call that shit out, but I’m still gonna call out that terrible fucking headline, because come on.

Can we reserve phrases like “the dumbest shit ever” for dumber shit than this? Like, this is some “EA is the worst company in America” level hyperbole. Like, it’s a fucking demo.


We have sent several drunk texts. We have just sent a really big one yesterday and we have published several Instagram apologies. Each and every one of them brings us closer to getting back together,” I told friends on a call today. “However, the final decision, you have to understand, belongs to my ex. We do believe

It’s a toss up between Danny DeVito and Kevin Hart. I think actually they should switch off between scenes to see who can tell. Either way it will still be more convincing than [insert some CGI / Deepfaked / De-aged actor/character that SW has tried to do] that one(multiple)  time(s) in [endless amount of these

But, really, all you need to say is Superman - Coates - Abrams and it’s hard to not get excited.

Really? Because it seems like the most hated, and also it is the worst.