
ever since fire was invented

From Sean Carrol’s blog:

You are ruining io9 with this crap. Keep it in Gizmodo.

If you read it on the internet then I’m sure is correct! why would anyone lie on the internet, that just makes no sense.

Look at these 90s shoes.

No, they should have called it “The ´Murica wall”, both Mexico and Canada belong to geographical North America.

“Have a cookie”? Kind of a dick thing to write to someone expressing her opinion.

Great way to not acknowledge his point! extra points for the shitty “Both women are lucky they didn’t end up with you”.

Nice, a wooden Star Destroyer! the Star Wars-Pinocchio mash-up I always dreamed.

They seem different enough to me.

I came for this image, was not disappointed.


heeelllllll no, that’s what you have your phone for. Leave the photographic film and analog camera pairing free from unnecessary sensors and electronics.

Can you recommend a good quality FM transmitter? do you know a good tutorial for setting everythng up? thanks

amen to that, if the kid wants something outside of his/her birthday then it’s “saving time moth**fu**er!* a Data Scientist, the lack of labeled axes make me want to buy a pair of plastic Hulk hands to start smahing shit.

Allright, interesting answer. I’m team no one, so I was just curious.


That’s why people will remember the 2005-2010 decade as the” bad resolution photo decade”, where people decided to trade photo quality for convenience. A shame, really. I already see it with some friends regretting the photos they took of their toddlers with their 2010 iphones.

From my part I carry my digital camera,

Nope, they aren’t immortal.