
Hey, I still use mine! team Zune 4eva! (goes to cry alone in the corner)

Actually I have asked myself the same question and the only explanation I can come up with is “worthiness made up of plot magic”. Captain America fulfills in a more definite way the requisites, maybe we’ll find out in the next Avengers what’s the deal with Vision.

Thor is worthy to the relative set of moral values of the Asgardians, which are a warrior culture modelled after the 20th century idea of the vikings. Mjolnir, as an asgardian artifact forged by Odin, is supposed to uphold that set of values and judge someone worthy based on thar criteria.

Regarding the ads, here is my Protip:

hahaha, wtf happened with the audio? I thought Helium was getting more scarce.

Do you realize that dB are calculated logarithmically?

I’m all for participation trophies as long as they have Nelson’s face on them and written “LOSER HA-HA” (yes, in caps)

Dude, it is obviously a part of a larger composition. Everyone just chill the fuck out, the final poster different will be.

Yes, the world knows about it but for each of those 4000 refugees this couple made a tangible difference. So stop being such an asshole.

Good. If you want to keep a tiny predator as a pet do it responsibly and dont get fucking mad when you are made responsible of its role in the devastation of the local ecosystem.

Actually the new outlook works pretty well. Thankfully they killed hotmail with a shotgun.

I heard the old, old men say
’Everything alters,
And one by one we drop away.’ p. 27
They had hands like claws, and their knees
Were twisted like the old thorn trees
By the waters.
I heard the old, old men say
’All that’s beautiful drifts away
Like the waters.’

What an amazing episode. It made up for the slow start of the season.

Me too! Laziness sometimes pays off.

I was going to reply with something sarcastic but then I remembered that I’m mexican and one of my names is Carlos.... so... yeah.

Medieval? Your concept of medieval is quite off in a temporal scale.

You are not my supervisor!!

I saw Avengers yesterday. If you want to keep a great moment for the Theater SKIP that Vision clip.

Aaaaamen, Dark Knight Rises is a terrible movie. All the Nolan apologists curiously skip it in any conversation (like the Matrix sequels).

I disagree about the messiah angle, from my part I think it is the most interesting take on the character.