
Daredevil indeed.

Bitches please, Imma let you finish but my Mamiya C330 is the stuff dreams are made of.

No, according to the Theory of Relativity time is NOT subjective, it is relative. The difference is very important.

Well, I loved it too. Hope it wins.

I don't have a 3DS but Majora's mask seems appealing. Will I need a >new< 3DS or will the standard 3DS XL be able to play it?

ehem....excuse me? (said in the right tone while I fix the collar of my shirt.)


He says the line. Of course, looking at the scar would have been better.

I enjoyed the movie inmensely (and I have read the story).

Stoned, yes. Done that with the *qatsis and LOTR. Awesome in their own little ways.

yes, and look where they are now

Faker McFake from the highlands of Fakeington.

Did it.... overslept?

Fallacies, fallacies everywhere.

Read the goddamn post. The inclusion of the ND filter is mentioned in the FIRST damn paragraph.

Are you the logical fallacy fairy?

And temple of Doom sucks donkey balls. It is the worst of the Indy movies.

Maybe you sould not get on io9 without your coffee or glasses... oh wait... you wrote it 500 fucking times already,

The firstwoldiest first world problem in the history of first world idiocy.

Holy zombie baby jesus!!! I had never thought of that but it is the best idea I have read this week! Written by Gaiman himself....