
This is a better and more compassionate take than mine. Thanks.

I think there’s a huge difference between our experience of the world and a famous model’s, and it’s causing an empathy gap here. I worked as a model for a minute (nothing glamorous, just boring commercial work), and being a model means being treated like a lamp - stylists, photographers, casting agents, etc will say

That was not at all my point. The point is people suffer medical complications for unavoidable and avoidable reasons. They are people with conditions inflicted from medical interventions not magazine freak attractions. People should know that cosmetic procedures are medical procedures that carry similar risks as what

Tom Cruise is a good example of excellent cosmetic work, expertly done. There is *no way* a normal-ass short, 59-year old white guy looks like he does, which is a discreetly crag-ified version of his mid-20s prime self. He’s had work done. Lots of it. Maybe he’s got an entire surgery/derm/aesthetic team on retainer;

This could have been serious coverage of the cosmetic surgery/procedures industry. Instead she got the “botched” treatment. She looks great. Better than most women her age. Fat lumps in themselves do not “disfigure” you. Hard fat lumps that chafe and bleed will make you miserable. Instead of focusing on a medical

Women get the message pretty early on that youth and beauty are valuable. After an entire career where her worth was her attractiveness, you can’t figure out why it would be hard to come to terms with aging and becoming less attractive? There is an enormous amount of pressure on women to not "let themselves go." I

I don’t care if she was a [put whatever employment makes you happy here], we can be empathetic for a person that goes in to get a procedure done and is physically scarred for life after.  It doesn’t matter who she was or who she is.  Stop judging people. 

Hey, look at what happened *last friggin’ month* to Bridget Fonda after some-20 years of fading into obscurity: a fucking paparazzo figured out where she lived, *staked out her house*, and took photos of her looking like a normal middle-aged mom. She had gained a lot of weight and some of the press were rather cruel

I find it incredibly sad that she felt it necessary to even do something like this. When your whole livelihood is based on being physically attractive, it can be extremely emotionally traumatic when those looks go away and you’re thrown out like garbage. Then she’s permanently disfigured by a procedure that has a

I am more sympathetic, I guess. I think the article is about living with shame, disappointment, and fear of being judged for “letting yourself go.” Look at the recent coverage of Kelly McGillis. Well-known people are not allowed to fall into obscurity when there is news to be made for showing unflattering pictures.

I cannot imagine being a mother and never crying. What about when they clean their poop off the floor with a hand towel and then put the towel back on the towel rack and you wash your face and don’t realize there is poop on the towel?........

Another day, another example of shit being okay when they do it. 

I already posted this in response to another person, but I agree.

She’s lived in a bubble sine she was a teenager. She never had anything close to appropriate social interactions throughout most of her life. And she’s directing her anger at real people who caused her real harm. Cut the gal some slack.

Exactly what made me love Monica Lewinsky. Barbara Walters tried to shame her on TV like that, and Monica stood her ground.

(at the time, Gyllenhaal was 10 years her senior).

(at the time, Gyllenhaal was 10 years her senior).

they’re all just taking those “word clouds” from any Fox News broadcast and throwing the biggest clouds at the wall...”woke”, “leftists”, “CRT” for good measure, “cancel culture.” If you look at their bullshit less as “genuine” and more as “shitty trolls trolling”, it makes a lot more sense, and makes it easier to

“Cancel culture” made a 17 year old secure a long rifle, cross state lines, and shoot other people in public.