
It’s a perfect photograph, and your daughter is adorable. I feel like I see every girl in the world (including my daughter) in her, tiny and sweet and brave, raising a light sabre against a world that is bigger and better-armed than her. Seriously, it makes me cry the same way that that photograph of the little boy

This picture makes me cry a little. It’s wonderful.

I know this isn’t the point of this piece at all, but I remember watching The Sweet Hereafter years ago and thinking Sarah Polley was wonderful. And everything she’s done since then seems to be just as worthwhile.

Is this your dog? Why is your dog grinning like that? Not sure I can process it this early in the morning.

Your kid is amazing.

I actually know Louis in real life (not super close, but I’ve been to his place a few times), and this whole thing is troubling to me. I remember when I first became aware of these rumors, and they colored the way that I viewed him when I interacted with him. On the one hand, I couldn’t imagine the person I know

I wish I could give this a thousand stars.

I always thought her Paltrow worship was kind of facetious — more an admiration of how over-the-top Paltrow’s privilege and cluelessness is, than an actual admiration of Paltrow the person. Sort of the the same way that she adores Mariah Carey’s commitment to (i) not-walking, (ii) a delusional insistence that she’s a

Thank you for this. This is meaningful and actually gives me some comfort.

When I read things like this, it makes me feel guilty for bringing a child into the world. My daughter is the greatest joy of my life. But sometimes I think it was selfish to choose to have a child given how dire some of these predictions are — to bring her into a world that might very well become a nightmare within

I like pretty much all of your posts, and in theory I like this one, but I wish very much that I could erase these pictures from my memory.

I wish I could give you 2 stars — one for your suggestion, and one for your parenthetical. I, too, would feel compelled to include an explanation like this.

There are a lot of funny posts in this thread, but for some reason this one is the one that made me laugh out loud.

I feel like you deserve extra stars for including Christopher Walken.

I like this picture so much.

Yikes. Where is her chin in the first picture? And where is her nose in the second?

Yes — it looks like she was only on her second nose at that point. Not sure about the chin.

I always love your articles, and I love your grandmother. This piece weirdly eased some of the alternating stress, rage, and despair that I’ve felt in my downtime since the election.

This is kind of brilliant.

I did ask myself that, but your post saved me from having to click on the link. For which I thank you.