A Cat in Man's Clothing

The only argument should be allowing a game dev to produce content. If you don't like the content, don't buy it. You are a consumer, you cast your vote with your dollars. Once you allow people to believe otherwise, you have people from the US crying at Nintendo because they can't get gay married in a Japanese game. It

White Knight calling someone a White Knight, cute.

Right buddy, Gamers as a whole are being persecuted for what a small minority does. These so called "Journalists" aka Glorified Bloggers, are attempting to spin the narrative away from the true issue, which is their own corruption. How many articles in the last 2 weeks have you seen on here or any of the large gaming

Keep in mind that "Gamers are dead" or "dying", check links for referrals that earn Kotaku or Gawker credit or money, locate the item on the site yourself, don't fuel the Anti-Gamer machine.

Well I don't know about you Mike Fahey, but I am eagerly awaiting all the posts about the sexualization of women.

This has nothing to do with games and is not a matter of legitimate public interest, but is simply a personal matter. I would hope and request that the games press be respectful of what is a personal matter, not news, and not about games.

The modding community is full of great people

I question this transparency as well, considering it took such a large issue to arise in order for Patricia's articles promoting her friends to have "OH BTW THE WRITER HAS A CONFLICT OF INTEREST WITH THE SUBJECT OF THIS ARTICLE".

Do a better job of moderating if you are going to do it at all. I would love to know the process for posts being "approved", because there is a lot of criticism of you bloggers that sits unapproved all day long.

Why anyone considers themselves a gamer is irrelevant. I have a question for you Jason Schreier, why is there such biased "reporting" going on lately? That is a legitimate question, because if you want to talk gamer we can talk gamer.

This post is a front to the real issue that people like you want to avoid. It really doesn't require much more that half a brain to figure that out. If you put any thought to any of this it also makes sense why a bunch of devs are spinning this bullshit too. Without corrupted news sites, who is going to convince

Your consumer base isn't anything to fuck with either Luke.

And feel free to leave that pending, I know you more than likely will, and by all means go on twitter and tell everyone how I am the fucking problem.

Yeah Jason, since you are in some capacity part of the problem, why not fix that issue? How about do your fucking job instead of peddling bullshit. How many articles about The Fine Young Capitalists have run on Kotaku since they launched their Indiegogo? You can't say you aren't aware of them, because we all know that

The hate of the last few weeks is over corrupt video game "journalism". How about we start by fixing that PROBLEM, oh we can't because most of you would be jobless then.

Incoming Post that won't be approved.

I have no comment on this matter.

We should just abolish violence in video games, because this article highlights the unfair treatment of men in video games. Someone needs to do a Grand Theft Auto gender swap mod and allow a female lead to solicit sex from male npcs, then murder them for a refund. Maybe we can but an end to all this bitching. Now to

Yet the console version is watered down and not as good as the PC version, the only watering down the PC version has gotten is your plebeian tears. Sorry everyone, it is true, The console versions have a reduced mob density, thus making it an easier game at times, and I am fairly sure every character has an Evade