A Cat in Man's Clothing

It's a devkit as noted in the video description, I say show us something running on an actual retail unit.

They do know what they are doing, 720p exclusives. It's one game and third party, published by EA. KZ:SF looks rather stellar and one can only imagine how future PS4 exclusives will look as well. So yeah Titanfall is exclusive, but I can't say that this is an "ACE IN THE HOLE".

"We have a play around with the Xbox One's User Interface and Snap-mode feature. Please note that this is the just the devkit version and the final version will be far more streamlined. However, it will give you a good idea of how the basic functions work without Kinect."

-"Please note that this is the just the devkit

"Respawn just doesn't have the time or resources to bring everything up to par, in terms of quality, with the PlayStation 4. This was really the best course of action to take in regards to Titanfall. We may have gone exclusive on an inferior platform, but the gameplay should still be great, we hope." - Jake

Patricia, I actually started posting a lot of newly hatched Pokemon(Starting from roughly Hawlucha and on in terms of how early in game) over the past week with a bit of a twist. They are all named something specific so the person can ultimately come to a blogspot let me know they have one of the Pokemon I sent out

I saw the channel as "Nintendo3DSuk" and immediately read "Nintendo 3D Suk"

I assume there was some sort of Nintendo issued NDA that expired since Mega Gengar as well as the full dex of new Pokemon has been on 4chan and other sites for a week or more now.

Those blocks look overly Nightmare Before Christmas-y, but I guess that's just me.

H.E.D.Z.(Head Extreme Destruction Zone) 1998

As previously noted, it isn't for the core gamer. To add to that, it doesn't fold because children would snap it in half out of frustration. To add to the add to that, same day as Pokemon X & Y. To add to the add to the add to that, Nintendo is about to start printing even more money with that price point and design.

I guess if you had half a clue you would also know that the date that Blizzard first spoke of Hearthstone was March 22, 2013. How is the weather on Mercury? One has to assume that is where you are living since its been a year and a half since MARCH 22, 2013.…

It was overwhelmingly apparent that my "Perfect World Kotaku" and yours were insanely different when you posted the video of the guy bathing in Pepsi Max. At that point I said to myself, I should start a gaming blog site similar to Kotaku but spend the time finding interesting things to talk about when the news day

Its a Pokemon themed Animal Crossing, it just makes sense.

"There's a paparazzi game, for example, that lets you use the Wii U GamePad like a camera while taking pictures of characters on the TV"

Doubt this will get any good reads, but here we go ;)

Oddly enough I think this is just the beginning of the mass flood of advertising we can expect from M$. Just tossed up a blog post about Xbox One and what the future will more than likely have in store for buyers.

I think the people who come to Kotaku need to remember this is a blog and people have opinions. While you might not agree with the opinions being posted in the articles here, deal with it.