This is giving me heartburn.

I do appreciate the risk but you know exactly what I am saying.

I don't know if this is official but since this came from the universe where the Hero of time had to defeat Ganon (After he started to ruin everything) I dig there being a different title for a different future Link. Just looked it up, I think it was "Waker of Winds," same diff.

And that will be about 670 million for the 8 or so big wigs and 130 million for the hundreds of people that actually made the fucking thing.

I was 17 when i played this game for the first time.... scared me too.

How did the auction house make getting epic loot convenient? Because so many players cannibalized the GAH by buying from GAH and selling only on RMAH it drove up the costs in gold of any item to the point of silliness. Since gold was worth nothing almost instantly and ACTUALLY GOOD (not even amazing) DROPS WERE

The way the video showed the animals suffering is what really got to me, that cow...

But is a console worth purchasing for just 3 games or so each when all multiplats look and run the best on a decent gaming pc (Better than new consoles). I don't want to get into a price point argument so lets just say you ALREADY have a gaming pc more powerful than the new consoles that you technically bought during

The key inside the manual was already bound to another account when he tried to bind it to his own.

I love the ffx Vita artwork. When someone says Final Fantasy X that is the first image in my mind.

Never heard of em.

I hope you are right.

Are you sure? The way this is worded it looks like this all has to be on one physical machine. The games are only shared among accounts all on that same machine. You could be right and that sounds AMAZING but that's not how it read to me (And some others)

So this all has to be on one computer? GTFO. The only thing this is REALLY adding is separate achievements and saves, that's all. If I could access their computer in the first place it goes without saying I could open up steam and play games.

Well unless they are constantly adding new content and characters that can only be gotten through campaign grinding there really is no justification for having to pay to play to pay to play. Any game that asks for money just to CONTINUE playing that had a price attached to acquiring it is crossing some major

I totally disagree. For a console game at the time it came out between the things you were doing, the countless people you could slaughter (With blood or people running on fire) and the language used in the game this was probably the most extreme game I had played up to that point in my life.

Where\When can I preorder one?

Because live music is loud and some people still have undamaged hearing. I still bring plugs to most shows even though i already killed my own hearing.

I am also on the 199 boat. 250 is just too much to pay for a system that at the end of the day will only be adding 4-8 games to my 400+ game collection.