Will we get a remaster of these?
Will we get a remaster of these?
So I hung in there through the “we didn’t evolve” and the “extream love”, but had to tap out at “Asians are super creative.”
To sum up what this guy said ⬆ “Aliens can’t be real because I love Jesus”.
Prominent? Almost no one knows who this guy is.
Yoko Taro is Japanese, “automata” is not a Japanese word, the way he pronounces it isn’t really “canon.”
No. The sky’s the limit as soon as homeschooling and the Bible entered the equation.
This movie was dumb as shit but I enjoyed it anyway.
As someone who is cracking at such a young age as a white hat, helping companies to fix their security issues, he is allowed to be cocky.
Fuck cancer
You must be new Shane. What you’re looking for is Kotaku Core:
Man, when they find out that their password’s been plastered all over the internet, that hand is gonna be pissed.
You can vote with your wallets all you want, but that’s not going to fix what’s happened, bring Kojima and Konami back together or undo what’s happened.
I like to see it as giving credit where it’s due: buying a Hideo Kojima game, made by Kojima Studios. That’s what I’m paying for right now, and if Konami decides to…
“light up bowls”...Jason is clearly out of his depth on this one. What, does Kotaku not have a resident pot head to write articles like this?
Forget the sun. Forget the beach. Hang out with us and watch more than 140 video games being speedrun to benefit…
Even bad games can be fun to watch speedruns of. In fact, Rise of Lyric is an entertaining speedrun BECAUSE its so badly made, so it allows a lot of glitches.
If I’m not a chef am I not allowed to complain about a pudding that tastes like shit?
Sorry, Luke, I don't give a shit if this guy is a "die-hard RPG fanatic." XIII was not terrible, it wasn't even bad, it was one of my favorite games ever made. I'm so sick of this bullshit. Let's see what he has to say. I can promise you that it's not even close to the intelligence shown in the Star Wars reviews. …