Well then the author sure didn't!
Well then the author sure didn't!
Crappy gas makes this impressive! Let's see some premium numbers, I bet it could easily be an extra 15HP !
Agreed. WIth nothing but utmost respect to the man, split angle connrods have been in production longer than Mr. banks has been alive.
4 doors.. Maxima replacement..
umm.. that new 458 is over 132 HP per Liter in Naturally Aspirated form. I don't care what the hell you call it, that is F*(&CKing amazing!!
Big Wings do not make a racecar...
I came here to write this: "trick question,, no such thing a a favorite car under 1Liter."
Way better looking than that baby poo M4 I just looked at..... whoa... wait .. what? Mustang > M4 ???
If you can't afford fancy race wheels, by Kosei K1s. CHeap, light, good warranty..done.
1st world problems...
I think you and I would be really good friends in real life...I like the way you think...
I should add I have a soft spot in my heart for engine swaps.... It may be a pre-requisite of any project..
Watching this video was the high point of my month. It was deep and poignant, so much so, I have been motivated to start a new project car. Of course I can not afford even a wheel from one of the majestic cars shown above,,, but I can build my own..
A giant fan that can pump air through the pod? Really? At 700mph? That is going to take the same amount of energy, as,, umm.. I don't know maybe a turbofan hung underneath the wing of a 787?
Oh the Oak Tree! RIP
"generates more power than it consumes"
it sounded cool until that comment......
Because 6 speed MANUAL TRANSMISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How much did this trip cost, and did you get a good price for your kidney?
This but with a factory warranty
Is it just me, or has the quality of articles on Jalopnik taken a huge dive lately? More quantity, less quality?