A tortoise named Hubert

How is that equipment and the real time filtering software on power usage? Having a self driving car that requires a gas engine isnt exactly a win in my book

the whole point of not pushing the button is you aren’t supposed to do work. walking the flights would be more effort then waiting for someone to push the button. basically it is supposed to be a day off of rest and prayer.

i wouldn’t say “inexplicably”. these projects invariably understate costs, overstate revenue, understate maintenance requirements and generally ignore any and all math that was used to justify them once they are approved and funded.

Considering that they are curreny delivering the 37.5K version it isnt exactly a leap to think that they can make the 35K version. Seems pretty clear the issue is that they cant meet demand and are working through higher spec orders first which is kind of necessary since they are still in the process of scaling

seems like they are moving forward with making a few small scale projects (some self financed) to further prove out the technology / methodology. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

the term proof of concept seems to be lost on you 

according to the Boring company press releases this tunnel (which is not impressive) was built at a cost per foot rate and a foot per day rate that is significantly better than industry standard

my understanding is that they have achieved rates of tunnel per day and cost per foot of tunnel that are significantly better than the industry standard. That is what all of hte press releases were about

well after spending some time reading i felt invested enough to want to know what the point the author was driving at was... but couldn’t bring myself to keep reading. so I asked for the cliff notes. not a shocking request imo

wow... so i got a third through and picked up all of that. lmao. thanks for the confirm on what the article covered!

can anyone give a TLDR? I got about a third of the way through before I gave up looking for the thread

Anything is possible but (at the risk of sounding like my dad) the truth is probably that Erdogan sees himself as the one who will recreate the Ottoman empire (the same way Putin sees himself as the refounder of Czarist Russia, again my dad but it seems pretty accurate). He doesn’t want to turn toward Russia, or away

i mean, he campaigned on a platform of easing all kinds of restrictions, most controversially restrictions on the role of religion in government. Since taking office, in addition to doing some things to liberalize the economy, he has systematically transformed the government there from one that was openly hostile to

that would make lots of sense. unfortunately Turkey’s current leader seems inclined to crash out of NATO and our current leader is an idiot. 

1) Israel would be a logical option.

yeah but isn’t the F22 a dedicated air supremacy fighter, vs the F-35's multi role fighter bomber design?

it isn’t “ok” but it is common. people are holding these systems to a really weird standard. the only relevant question is “does this system make things safer?”. In this case, should someone fall asleep behind the wheel the car will maintain lane position and after several warnings bring the car to a complete stop.

what was the pun?

And they aree right. People fall asleep behind the wheel all the time. The only difference here is the car didnt crash

Umm.. exactly lol