A tortoise named Hubert

there are hubs all over the world. While this is one in the US, there are others. If one were to go down the traffic would shift as best it could and redirect to other hubs although some connectivity would probably be lost.

soo.... as thick as thieves?

the frankenstine thing is a removable adjuster according to the article.. so .. it removes

its not about being the aggressor, it is about getting in our way. If you don't want to get stepped on move to the side when a bull comes through. Also don't hang back and throw a dart at the bull's ass (Iranian statements about Israel).

i'm tempted to send this to a coworker who always sends me lol-cat memes.

the nuclear material is controlled by private/public partnerships that operate the power plants. Those private/public partnerships woudl have to coordinate with the FAA and other regulatory bodies to send the stuff up. Its not like any private citizen has a stock pile of used fuel rods that they've been hankering to

I'm 6'1 260, does anyone ever start a fight with you? I never get close to a fight, after looking at me everyone just thinks the better of it... comes in handy :)

unless the photos were a mix of the same girls (girl 1 vulnerable, girl 1 happy and smiling,etc.) and then mixed them up. If there were 20 girls you probably wouldn't realize that the girl in photo 5 is the same as the girl in photo 16 but if you choose 16 and that is the vulnerable one it means that it wasn't just

they could have taken a group of women, photographed them once looking fine and once looking vulnerable in a particular way. Then mixed them up. Odds are if there were enough photos you wouldn't realize that you were seeing the same women in two different poses and you would just pick the ones you liked. That would


one of hte cases revolved around a driveway specifically, becuase the FBI was claiming that if there was a gate around the drivway they would not have been allowed to place the device. We may be thinking of two different cases.

a lot of places provide cereal, water and sugary drinks. Creamer for the coffee. Milk you're own your own for (it spoils so it is cheap to keep the rest of the stuff stocked).

homless shelter.... zing

The Chin.... made me laugh pretty hard, needs to be Jay's official name going forward.

oh, i assumed it was the same thing.

a large amount of Marijuana comes from accross the border or centralized grow setups run by cartels in the US. that means that it gets hipped all over, and I would think they use cities as hubs in the network.

this is actually something of a qunadry becuase the Marijuana Tax Act was ruled unconstitutional becuase it required a person to present Marijuana, without a license, as a pre-requisite for obtaining a license. This meant the person would be arrested for having it in the first place.

that was specific to somone's car being in their drive way, and the cops saying it was in public. I think that as part of their investigation (remember that different investigations have different rules, terrorism under the Patriot act gives a lot of lee way) they were allowed to place a GPS on the car if it was in

that is true, and that is why those rules are in there