We have gotten a bit off topic here; to summarize my point which you will probably disagree with.
We have gotten a bit off topic here; to summarize my point which you will probably disagree with.
Everything you said is correct, but you are mischaracterizing my statements since we are using the same terms for different things. When you say Taliban, you refer to the current political and ideological movement that exists and came to prominance in the 80's. When I say Taliban I am referring to the loose…
that is classic, never saw it before
you seem to look at various actions, some worse then others, as islands onto them selves. I consider the throwing of rocks at cars, the spitting on 10 year old girls dressed immodestly (in their insane view point), side walk segregation and the general disdain which the rest of the Jewish community (myself included)…
2 things, Space X is a ground up organization and product package desigend to be reliable and economical (they don't have the technical capability to do ground breaking research and flight testing on their own so they don't have the legions of engineeers and multi billion dollar labs which they rent from the other…
they are ultra conservative orthodox and Hasidim, that is what they always say.
The Taliban attack young women who don't conform to their norms, I consider spitting on ten year old girls who dress in pants instead of a very enveloping skirt just as bad (as seen in Israel).. Not all Taliban kill girls for gooing to school, it varies from region to region.
these people try and tell me how to live every time i encounter them. Every time one of them spits on a 10 year old girl on her way to school that isn't wearing what they consider appropriate they are telling people how they should live.
they believe that our way of life is wrong, while we jsut believe that their way of life is different. that is the issue
I agree with this post, I would bet you a hundred bucks that if we went to one of these rabbis they would say we would be better off without the internet all together.
these people aren't fans of freedom of religion, they believe they are right and every else (including non ultra conservative jews like myself) are wrong.
reminds me a lot of some other cultures we spend a lot of time lambasting, although it is also similar to the extremist christian communities in Arizona.
my understanding of the culture in a lot of these ultra orthodox communities is that you seperate the sexes by having the men do all the stuff outside of the house, and the women cook and raise the childern. They take it a bit... and by a bit i mean WAY, to far.
I don't understand what you mean. the contractors used by Nasa created the data that Space X is using, at a cost of billions paid by the US government. Space X wouldn't be able to do what it is doing without that groundwork.
neither do the taliban, you are thinking of Al-Queda and the mujahadeen. The Taliban just want to live at home peacfully, keeping their women at home and under complete subjegation while shunning outsiders and living a backwards life or piousness. Which is what they were doing when we demanded that they hand over some…
I'm saying that any of them who feel that women should be segregated outside of temple (i'm talking women use the side walk on one side of the street and men on the other) need to be told that their religion is viloating the rights of others and that they cannot abide those practices the same way we don't allow forced…
yeah...i can't even imagine what warfare will be like by then. kind of mind blowing.
these people throw rocks at cars in Israel that drive on the holy day (Saturday), they are extremists and just as bad as any other extreme religous sect.
As a jew I can't stand these people, they are no better then the Taliban and would live a similar life style if given the chance.