A tortoise named Hubert

this goes to you too, because people too often bash the government work and praise the private sector without looking under the hood:

Russia is charging 56 Mil + per seat. Here is one qoute from the space x website:

it is an amazing time, keep in mind that they are taking 60 years of research done by NASA and its private partners and applying it to their project. They didn't need research optimal flight characteristics and dimensions, re-entry speeds, heat extremes etc. All of that has been done and was provided by NASA as part

this still makes me laugh every time i see it


so right. The Iranians will continue to monitor their radar, but now they know that even when they don't see anything they might be looking in the right place. Has to be pretty demoralizing lol.

so how will they find the grow rooms if there are not hot lights/high power usage to draw attention to the setup?

so.... when will this thing be addapted to latch onto someones face and 'extract' information using a power drill?

he is still a US citizen, we would need diferent laws to stop them from avoiding taxes.

we need more legislation like this, being a dick may be legal but we don't have to just bend over

i would bet all of them

i saw this one coming

i really really hope that is real

yeah, i was just thinking about that, little cold war era assasination for you

but the video would last 5 seconds lol

schools are public institutions (part of the government), you should be covered by the 4th ammendment against unreasonable search and seizure

there is nothing wrong with smoking cigaretts but some people look down on them so an ash tray is bad to leave around. Same thing here