wait am I applying for the BOD or am i going on a date? I hear that advice, unsolicited as it may be, for the latter all the time. I thought you were supposed to bring hookers to business functions.
wait am I applying for the BOD or am i going on a date? I hear that advice, unsolicited as it may be, for the latter all the time. I thought you were supposed to bring hookers to business functions.
no why? You think I could be? I figured it took more then a misogynist musing to get elected but if you think I should try I definitely will.
Well you addressed point two in your answer, nuclear plants. Public private partnerships, like nuclear plants, are often formed in complex regulatory areas where the public need necessitates a venture. In this case the US government might authorize the use of designated areas with the understanding that it will help…
geth man, the geth. The reapers are alerady up there waiting for us to achieve light speed and make first contact at which point they will make their presence known and offer us admission to the federation and then.... wait.... I think I'm getting lost :)
those were all hooked up to computers (wired or wirelessly) and the instructions came from there. This thing can determine how to get from A to B on its own.
what ever happened to the group of women in Russia and Ukraine who got topless to protest? I think we need more coverage of them
Transfuga + google self drive = jetsons.
when you say that finding gold makes us poorer, that isn't true at all since we have a fiat currency. It makes China, Russia, Switerzland poorer, you know places where they stockpile gold. But the US doesn't maintain large stocks any more. The federal reserve does but those are deposits from other countries.
my understanding was that it would carry high value / low cost cargo (food, water, air, toiletries, etc.) Stuff NASA would usually have to pay through the nose to send anyway, but not much of a loss if the thing doesn't make it to dock.
The quality ranges from a 6 to a 7.5 on 1 being low 10 being high scale. For the quality and selection you can usually get stuff from 15%-50% less then at other stores although none of their furniutre is the heavy hard wood stuff so if you are looking for that you are out of luck.
depends on the ease of processing. If you can get to the titanium easily it may be worth the expense, especially since the production would greatly benefit from econonmies of scale and I'm sure the auto sector would live to swap out light aluminum and strong steal for light and strong titanium.
unless of course we increase the gold supply by a factor of 100 or greater, in which case gold will be about as valuable as copper. We would need to find a universaly rare mineral as a basis for a fixed economy. That being said, econoimes based on a mineral standarad like gold are inherently inflexible and subjet to…
Unless they find, you know, a asteroid that is 50% gold. I don't think gold is rare in the universe, just here on earth.
yup, which is why the gold standard is an antiquated seriously flawed system.
Apparently NASA thinks there is a ton of titanium up there, I heard that the moon has titanium like earth has iron ore. Still to expensive to ship it back for now though. Link below
This gets a +1
I always ran out of fuel, never ran out of probes lol
until you are flying in a plain from NY to LA and it only takes 30 minutes to get there.
So all of the news sites are playing down the effect of this one, I'm thinking they have managed work arounds and are back shipping oil.
an air strike, on Iranian territory. That is an overt act of war, something that would be hard to cover up. You are saying that we should have started a war with Iran, not at a time of our choosing but in a hury because they got their hands on a drone?