yeah, in hindsight... you know how it goes. In any event its in our constitution so we're just gonna have to deal with it.
yeah, in hindsight... you know how it goes. In any event its in our constitution so we're just gonna have to deal with it.
and where exactly do you expect me to get high minded, overly technical bong/bowl analysis?
I'll take 2
so.... you've been to heaven?
I'm going to shamlessly copy you, i just changed my to that. made me chuckle
nice name, that buggar got me too
you have a problem with discussing the ongoing environemntal issues caused by a failure of high tech concrete techniques and complex safety equipment? I have no idea why the US media isn't reporting on this but eveyrone I talk to from the Gulf says that Aljazeera's reporting on the ongoing issues is the only accurate…
BP picked the contractors, they are ultimately responsible, if they get to shirk some of the financial burden that is fine, but they should still be made to create a reserve fund for future clean up needs on spills yet to come.
if the wheel wasn't properly maintained it would be my fault, ala BP
Hey Giz guys, can you keep reposting this to keep it on the top of the page. The info in this article seems unable to get into the prime time news circuit and it needs to.
if you are using the jet engine to move a plain or a tank, and you can use the waste heat in the exaust to create water then yes. This assumes that you are going to move the plain or tank anyway.
the army recently introduced a process to take the heat energy from engine exaust and use that to power a process that not only filters the exaust but creates potable water. So a tank would be greener and produce water on board for the troops with no new energy input needed.
didn't catch the sarcasm
Iran has threatened to close the starits of Hormus, that could mean laying mines in addition to fast attack boats launching torpedoes.
we posted around the same time or it was slow to update. the comment above mine wasn't there at the time.
I think the aurthor was saying that he won't be a cop again after this. Seperately however, it is striking that after all the complaints (sexual harassment, false imprisonment, stalking, possesion etc.) that he was still a cop at this point.
ok, but then I can hit you with a car and we'll see if its a boom or a roar ;) My point is that one is a specific moment in time, another is just you noticing it for a moment in time.
To clarify isn't the shock cone always hitting the ground, its impact poitn just moves in line with the plane over time.
what i mean is that the boom doesn't only happen once, if I am 1000 miles away from you we will both hear it as the plane passes us respectively, so its not like its one moment in time and then it goes quite, it just seems that way from the ground... was my point.
Sonic boom really is a misnomer, they should call it a sonic roar as it is a continous sound that from the ground is only heard once as the plane passes... but that thing is booming the whole time.