

I suddenly need a MG B with a hardtop.

Small typo, Maté: it’s “then again”.

So I’m browsing the japanese Honda website right now.
Get this: you can get a Fit Hybrid 1.5L AWD with a 7 speed dual clutch auto for 1,990,400 Yen, or roughly 21000 $CAD.

You can get it brand new, too.
With a 1.3L engine with a CVT transmission.
I’m flabbergasted right now.

Google Keep: a very convenient note pad that has an integrated check list.

I’m under the impression that the Gawker Group posts a lot of articles with a title similar to “Fuck you, [xxx]”.
Then again, Nardelli was a terrible CEO, I’ll give you that!

MFW BMW actually built X5s with a 5-speed manual gearbox.
From 2001 to 2006, according to the Truth About Cars.
All my what.
He ain’t lying, guys!

*Edit: I’m dumb, that picture is from your article. Shame on me.

Sad sight. Whatever happened to the headlights?

Do I like cars?
Do I LOVE cars?
Last year, I left a logistics position to work for a non-profit specialised in automotive consumer’s rights. Job was part-time, and paid much less.

But I didn’t care.
I finally made it in the auto industry, and for an organisation that had moral standards, unlike many a dealership.


Can we all just agree it’s a common effort of select english-speaking nations?
Seriously, let’s celebrate the fact that when the UK, Canada and USA get together, we build some crazy cars!
[/end of peaceful rant]

Since it’s built in Canada, I’d like to correct the “’Murica, fuck yeah” statement to “OH CANADA!”

Built in Canada.

The first generation may have been unreliable.

Not just in the States.
In Canada too, except you have way more Tim Hortons.

A cartoon that mainly 20 year olds watch: it’s freakishly awesome.

Jake the dog from Adventure Time.
The 4runner is Jake when he’s angry, pic for proof:

I have the exact same issue with my Micke desk (it’s brown-black with shelves on the side).
I can’t find a solution to that issue, except add a steal rod in the middle.

Dat lame pun, tho!