
If by "cheaper than Netflix" you mean absolutely more expensive since you can't get it without a cable subscription, then I'd say you are correct. Otherwise, you fail at accuracy in journalism.

You say that as if the Intel Atom wasn't wildly successful.

I think they sell a fair amount of 3G iPads, I just bet everyone does what I did. Buy the 3G so you get GPS and have the option of buying 3G service when you need it (which for me was just during vacation for a week). But it was worth it for the GPS. So I believe that 3G USAGE could be in the single digit percentages

you trolling, but for everyone else, the iPhone 3GS was fast enough to run a jailbreak version of flash called frash. Nothing stopping any of the newer iPad/iPhones from running it except Apple politics.

WTF? I editted to change it to the "whats in the box" scene from Seven, but it reverted back to the dune clip. Gizmodo, your shit is broke.

Now playing

Shit. Was going to post the Dune box clip, but like 8 people beat me to it. So we'll go with a different box clip.

Not well built. I was given 2 PS3's that had YLOD. Managed to fix them both with a heat gun. I've seen more broken PS2's than I can count. Sony USED to make quality hardware, in the 80's and 90's.

Not going to happen. Or at least, you're asking the wrong people. Talk to Square Enix.

My entire work life is "Dance, puppets". And then they have the nerve to complain about the quality of my work. And say that they have to walk on eggshells around me because I'm smart and they need me. FML.

And what's up with that potato famine in ireland? Why couldn't they just use the gold at the end of the rainbow to buy more food, because every irishman is really a leprechaun.

Nobody speaks american. There is no such language.

Oh? And how many screens has the gizmodo office cracked?

I had a lot of issues with plaque, but recently discovered I have a gluten intolerance. 2 weeks after quitting gluten, I've noticed a big decrease in plaque (along with all the other benefits that I get from quitting something that was making me sick).

It's always smart in cases like this to wait a week and let braver, more risk prone people test it for you. A little selfish, but understandable.

Doesnt feds usually imply US Feds? This didn't happen in the US. I think they are in New Zealand.

"It's surprising that any Republicans are in favor of this bill if they were true conservatives. This bill stands in the way of capitalism, "Free Trade", and adds in regulations potentially creating permanent government jobs in branches that will oversee this legislation, all of these things republicans would be not

The difference of course being that Foxconn is an employer, with working employees. Your hometown; not so much. What is the unemployment situation like in your hometown? Why do you think comparing a town to a large employes in China makes any sense?

Worst. Mouse. Ever. Brain-dead design. Sure, it looked cool and it was novel. But it was made by people who forgot that it has a function other than looking pretty.

There are 5 Lagrange points. I think I was confusing geostationary orbit with the lagrange points. The lagrange points are static in relation to the moon & earth, while the geostationary orbits allow a ground observer to see a satellite in the same place in relation to the ground. Regardless, I don't think helium

The closer you are to the earth, the faster you have to move to remain in orbit. If a satellite is near the edge of the atmosphere, moving fast, it is going to collide with a lot of air molecules, causing it to either burn up eventually, or slow down enough that the orbit decays and the satellite falls back to earth.