
Who will be eaten first?

At the very least, I recommend that everyone watch Trump shout down CNN’s Jim Acosta and call him “fake news”.

I don’t think lube is going to help with the David Fincher Se7en knife-penis that is coming our way.

Messy is being generous. This is an all out attack on the integrity of our country. It was a sloppy magic trick, but the trick itself is what is concerning.

We are being gaslit into oblivion.


There will be press conferences but CNN will only be allowed to participate if their White House correspondent is fitted with a rat cage 

They are proud of themselves and that is what makes all of this so desperately, desperately terrifying.

Despots tend to have an allergic reaction to having to be held accountable to a free press.

This is it, comrades. We are witnessing the rise of American fascism right before our eyes. Mark your calendars.

No. The abortion industry collects dismembered toddler parts they fuse together using black, feminist sorcery into a giant, evil, Voltron baby which will crawl across the land eating Christians as if they were Gerber’s stewed carrots.

Swindell told the Christian outlet Charisma News she also represents women who want to see Obamacare overturned and Planned Parenthood defunded.

I think focusing on Trump’s sexism and misogyny is a good way to grab this asshole by the pussy.

This is something that goes beyond identity politics. I see a Trump presidency as a catalyst for radical progressivism.

If we are going to find a definition of Leia in that sequence, it is the moment she strangles her oppressor with the very tool of his oppression.  

And the thing that is great about all that...it was her real personality shining through.

It is one of things I love so much about the first movie. She subverts the whole damsel in distress trope. She’s like, “Alright, you’re here to rescue me. So now what, you dopes?”

Rick Perry brings quite the joyful hoedown. Keep in mind, though, this is how many Southerners would dance around the lynching tree.

The child seen in that top photo’s full name is Robber Barron Trump. When he becomes a captain of industry he will feed his enemies to an actual lion.

Fonzie, nooooo!