
So are you saying that if this had been launched much later at night, the color would not have been so incredibly blue?

If people want to believe, there is nothing you can do convince them otherwise. Fatal flaw of human consciousness right there.

A pineapple under the sea in every pot.

There is a hypocrisy here many do not feel comfortable addressing.

I am not clear about the way this game functions in regards to the persistence of discovered worlds.

Hmmmm. Working at home would give me a lot more freedom to masturbate on the job. I’m in!

Mine demands its own trailer and that all the green M&Ms be taken out of the bowl.

I don’t think there are any sacred cows and gaming culture is ripe for satire, but you are absolutely right — the bit just wasn’t very funny.


Beej and the Bear

Sorry. The secret code she has embedded in this article clearly shows she is hitting on me.

My God! It’s full of stars.

The problem here is that they do feel it is about their religion. Many don’t make the distinction of their religion as a completely personal one. They feel that their religion represents THE TRUTH and that they are spiritual warriors in a pitch battle with a decadent and wicked society.

I do declare. I have quite the hankering for Bar-B-Q and buttsex.

He always gives me the uncanny valley heebie-jeebies like those plastic Duracell people.

He looks like the lead singer of every numetal band on Halloween night.

And satire also helps to expose social problems by being a vital and necessary social critique.

Shut up. No one watching this thinks every football player thinks rape is OK. Everyone understands she is talking about those who do think it is OK and the elements in the culture that either condone it or look the other way.