Good Grief, Charlie Brown!

Did this theme song make you LOSE YOUR SHIT?

Made in China: NOPE. I don't buy Chinese crap, made by slaves.

The Forehead is strong with this one.

Dude! Did this story make you LOSE YOUR SHIT?

Bro. Does this song make you LOSE YOUR SHIT?

Agreed. This idiot is a first class ASSCLOWN who should rightfully RESIGN.


Did this rampaging elephant make you SHIT YOUR PANTS?

Who is Mista Far? A parrot?

Bro. What are you talking about?


Clapping for the arrival of stupid ridiculously “expensive” vehicles of war, produced by the mad military industrial complex for the purpose of global subjugation?

Shit, Broke O’Bummer the living turd turtle is coming here again? Fuck that clown and waste of taxpayer money for bullshit like this.

Waze is an Israeli app? BOYCOTTING. #bds

Karma’s a bitch, ain’t it, Israel? Fuck the delusional, backwards, racist, sexist, apartheid, terrorist State of Israel. #bds

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.

Could never live with such a disjointed, wacky interior like that. Fucking hideous.

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.


Neither, as I wouldn't own a car with such ludicrous levels of FAKE oozing from it. Yuck.