Good Grief, Charlie Brown!

Dude, who gives a fuck?

Stupid, bro...stupid.

My gosh, your level of idiocy is truly alarming.

Good. Cover that shit up, and then you can think about GROWING UP.

You got to be pretty mindless to tune into shlocky programming like this, but EXTRA FUCKING MINDLESS to blog about it.

Can I have some of what you’re smoking?

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.

Don’t try; do.

Bro, you sound like you're in fucking kindergarten arguing about who's tricycle is bigger. GROW UP.

Bro! Does this porsche make you LOSE YOUR SHIT?

Ridiculous styling...and not in a good way. PASS.

Dude, the Mazda fan boy schtick is so over. Grow up now, bro, mazdas suck and are NOT “everybody’s favorite.”

And this, my friends, is how it's done. Good one, Simon.

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.

Sounding fake sounds great to you?

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.

Lol! So fucking what? Must not take much at all to amuse a warmonger.


Did Mansory do this? Looks like a Beetle with Down’s Syndrome.

Dude! Will the unveiling make you LOSE YOUR SHIT?