Good Grief, Charlie Brown!

Bro. Do bumpers make you LOSE YOUR SHIT?

Still haven’t found the glaring spelling error in the title, eh? You are one dumbass warmonger, bro.

Oh no! They're building more cars, Alanis! RUN!! HIDE!!!!!!!

My god, the original looks a hundred times better!

Bro, whatever the fuck it's made with...it looks crap. We keep it real here.

This is ugly as shit, and the blogger must clearly have been PAID to suggest otherwise.

A “stunning beauty”? Dude, this looks like disjointed shit. When you describe something that obviously resembles crap, it immediately becomes transparent that you were paid, and obliterates your credulity.

Can't spell good, you nasty, old warmonger?

Bro! Did this Lada make you LOSE YOUR SHIT?

They should call it Faraway Future.

Got an idea: if we just scrap the remaining social and welfare programs across America, and close all the public libraries...we can buy another 6, maybe 7 of these! Let’s make that happen!

“WAAAAHHH! I HATE CARS! And I hate citizens exercising their constitutional right to travel at will! WAAHHHHH! BAN ALL THE CARS NOW!!!!”

And not only that...the roof comes off and stuff.

Not the prettiest thing, not the ugliest.

So let me guess, THIS JUSTIFIES A 3-FOLD INCREASE IN “DEFENSE” SPENDING — amiright?????????

“A commonly held idea in car culture is that “German reliability” is as oxymoronic as a diarrhea-free Chipotle burrito bowl...”

Lol! Amazing how Grawker trots out this “Anna Merlan” character in these vain attempts to discredit legitimate conspiracies. But this is why I like Grawker, to study how the elite want to socially engineer the masses. So funny how transparent they are!

If someone hacked your car, bro, would that make you...LOSE YOUR SHIT?

Let me guess: somehow an onerous new CARBON TAX will magically solve this problem, right?

I could live with that iffy design, but that diminutive V6 and craptastic iPad ripoff affixed to the top of the dash, NOPE.