Good Grief, Charlie Brown!

Hmmmm...maybe time for the apartheid, racist, and terrorist state of Israel to stop illegally occupying Palestinian territory, finally?

Bro, do self-driving cars make you LOSE YOUR SHIT?

She’s definitely not only a willingly ignorant idiot, Arseley is damn proud of it, too.

You are as ignorant and ridiculously stupid as they come, warmonger. Congrats!

Tyler the Transparent Warmonger? LMFAO.

Only a mindless moron would willingly watch detritus like this. Grow up, woman.

Sounds like a case for Sherlock Holmes.

Pretty sure that's a Ferrari, dude.

More advertisements: just what we need. And more distractions on the road: yeah, we need those, too, right?

Eyes checked recently?

#BenghaziIndictmentNOW #braindamage #corrupt #corruption #corruptionasusual #soldout

Damn, hilary’s desperation grows at a rate twice that of her growing irrelevancy.

Your skills are indeed weak, troll. Buh-bye now.

Yes, editing: something that the Grawker platform needs IN SPADES.

Would NEVER buy anything from this lying bunch of scumbags. FUCK VW.

Lol, sounds stoopid as shit and exactly the kind of malarchy Broke O'Bummer would squeeze out of his butt cheeks.

Good job, Apple. This is how we win.

Yes! Kudos to Ryn for calling out the ridiculous, corrupt, criminal, lying, scheming bag of bones Hellary Clinton and that babbling idiot Katy Puky.

As long as BMW is pulling its stoopid FAKE ENGINE SOUNDS, that shit is soft as diarrhea.

What's the deal with the tacky, cartoonishly-sized diffuser?