Good Grief, Charlie Brown!

Poor guy. He must have LOST HIS SHIT.

Here’s a tissue to wipe that shit from your nose.

“Biblical experience”? What are you, a fucking chimp?

Perhaps next year we won’t get bullshit like this from a non-enthusiast such as yourself.

Ugh, this fucking warmonger again. Blah blah blah increase “defense” spending lies lies bullshit blah blah war is cool blah blah vomit bullshit tacky lies misinformation.

Shouldn’t you be posting blogs over at fucking Jezebel? Why the hell are you here on Jalopnik? You’re not a car person...this is bullshit.

It was an inside job.

You know this blog is in trouble when you get some broad who don’t know shit about cars tossing out blog posts here.

Damn. Why couldn’t they pick a hot chick?

Holy shit that was hilarious.

Fuck this clown.

Fear not: Putin outwitted Broke O'Bummer months ago. Wait until see what the Russians have up their sleeve!

“It’s not clear exactly at what why the man discarded his shirt, which, apparently, was restricting his ability to have a nice, full freakout, but about it was about halfway through the 90-minute flight.”

But did the dude LOSE HIS SHIT?

Welcome to the Grawker platform! All about clickbait and commentbait here, my friend!

What complete, utter, unnecessary, expensive bullshit. Fuck this shit.

Lol! In addition to being another transparent, warmongering douchebag...you must be blind as shit.

Propaganda: you keep using this word, but I don't think you understand what it means. Does Grawker only hire dunces now to blog for it?

If “bad” comments are so good, then why does the Grawker platform CENSOR them? Because they don't promote your various agendas, perhaps?

Google wants to nose through your files and documents so bad they will let you upload 2 Gb absolutely free, folks!