Good Grief, Charlie Brown!

That will buff out.

Ugh, put the right wheels and tires on this and get back to me.

Lol, sure, buddy

The fake engine sound bullshit kills it.


At least it looks better than those nasty Miatas.

The chemtrails in the artist’s rendering of the new bridge is a nice touch.

That's not weird, it's fucking hideous and juvenile.

All we are saying is GIVE WAR A CHANCE.

Aren't you happy you found another story about SHIT, Jason?

And what Broke O’Bummer is doing — with Defense spending at least THREE times that of Russua — is NOT acting like we are in a Cold War?

I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more to life than being a really, really, ridiculously good writer.

Did this blogger’s cancellation make you LOSE YOUR SHIT?

Did the cancellation of these ugly looking, crappily made shitsters make you LOSE YOUR SHIT?

Did these designs make you LOSE YOUR SHIT?

So much for Grawker’s pathetic campaign to take down Chipotle, paid for by pro-GMO assclowns.

Aren’t these handy ENEMY/TERRORIST INFILTRATION MAPS kindly provided by the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX demonstrating why we need to put another 99 zillion dollars into NATIONAL SECURITY...just timely?

Wonder who she's fucking at Grawker to keep her job.

Welcome to “Alyssa Walker,” a remarkably sloppy/lazy blogger at Grawker who typically couldn’t give two shits about details.

Don’t eagles — every once in a while, while flying around up there — LOSE THEIR SHIT?