Good Grief, Charlie Brown!

Pretty sure that’s “Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.”

Wow, sounds like this ad made you LOSE YOUR SHIT.

Or something a female non-enthusiast would blog about.

Authentic question: why are you - a non-car enthusiast - posting Jalopnik blog posts?

Brilliant! Another utter waste of taxpayer money, how predictable!

I would NEVER buy a car made in China, nation of labor slaves. FUCK CHINA.

You have once again proven yourself to be a complete and utter ignoramus...congratulations! Drinking tap water not only is nasty as shit, but toxifies the body with many pharmaceutical drugs, arsenic, and other crap.

Be clearer next time and stop jumping and humping the bandwagon, bro...before you LOSE YOUR SHIT.

Because the dude is an idiot.

Did the robbers LOSE THEIR SHIT after this incident?

You are as clueless as they come with your stupid points. Lower rates = less net pay for drivers. Ask any driver, genius.

Did Jeremy make you LOSE YUR SHIT?

Awwww! Did you LOSE YOUR SHIT?

Awesome! Let’s spend $3 trillion on a few of these and find some nation to bomb with them...under the name of regime change after falsely accusing their rulers to be poisoning their own people or something. (Really, any excuse will work just fine; see “Iraq and WMDs” et al.)

Dude, don't LOSE YOUR SHIT. Chill out, jalopnik viewers don't drink racing fuel. Simmer down, son.

Yes! More driving nannies! RELEASE ALL THE NANNIES.

Bro, if you think this shit is hilarious, you have one weak sense of humor.

My gf likes doing that to me quite a bit, actually.

Reporting on the abominable Cardassians...boy, you must really be brain dead.

That’ll teach ‘em!