
He almost dropped it, but the ball managed to find its way into his Hanigan.

To me it’s like a hot chick wearing sweat pants. It’s what’s underneath that counts.

You’re right. But the gawker drones have to convince themselves that they’re doing something by putting their fingers in their ears and chanting repeatedly

I am with you there.

So the union can still collectively bargain, but now individuals who don’t want to be in the union can forgo their union dues and the benefits of being a member?

I am about as liberal as they come, i will never support forcing someone to join a union and pay dues instead of negotiating their own deal.

See you tomorrow.

prediction: he will go on a record-low number of international trips, instead inviting foreign dignitaries to do state visits here (and stay at his hotel).

Anyway, we know where this is going: Someone is going to have to lure Donald Trump out of Trump Tower with a six-foot portrait of himself and force him to be president.

I don’t know that I believe that. It’s not like $1.2 billion worth of shares left the market and that capital got re-invested. $1.2 billion is the amount that existing shares depreciated because of eroded investor confidence. If it was a closed system where value is never created or destroyed, we wouldn’t have a value

Until you require them to vote and then people loose their minds.

The alt-right aren’t Nazis.

Your rules, not theirs. The only rule Assad and the Russians have is victory, all other concerns are secondary.

I mean, us pleabs can still fly almost anywhere in the world in less than 24 hours for less than $1,500. That’s historically unprecendented and we’re priviledged to live in such times.

Here comes the barrage of “it’s fake, WWE stuff” comments. People act like if someone deprived them of an opportunity to win money and notoriety, they’d be all blasé about it. I wish Jalopnik would just stop covering NASCAR because F1/WEC elitists can’t accept the existence of a different form of motorsports.

In the rest of the world this would be called a boring football match

WWE is fixed, similar to DRS and banning engine development.

Women changes the body because they listen on other women. And women themselves are their own enemy regards to body hysteria.

Also the least interesting