Gotta love that slogan: “When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them. But in the meantime...”
Gotta love that slogan: “When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them. But in the meantime...”
My ‘81 rabbit was the same in its ability to get itself down woods roads, as long as you remembered where the oil pan protruded down below the engine and steered that part of the car around obstacles. I think most cars of the hatchback era were better than people now realise in that regard. It’s one reason why the…
“Honored to be apart of it.”
Of course, whether you pay the subscription or not you still get the joy of paying for the wear and maintenance on the rear steering linkage.
Well, it has bags of air. That makes it an air bag, right?
Even Toyota isn’t Toyota levels of quality.
But face it, you needed the hex wrenches anyway, right?
Not sure, but these days $1.50 admission would be a bargain.
Next move, buy a Big Yellow Taxi.
I’d happily give up remote door locks in exchange for lock cylinders on both front doors.
Oddly, they did. I have no love for the cybertruck, but given the constraints of the body materials (no compound curves) the coeficient of drag is quite low.
Something about Trailing Throttle Oversteer, cold, wet roads, All Season tires, and going backwards into the woods.
Am I the only one who’s REALLY glad there was no cop around?
Fire brigades used to be run by private companies.
MGB was second worst.
A Picasso, you say?
My favourite (probably apocryphal) Wilde quote is something to do with Niagara Falls being the young bride’s second biggest disappointment.
Or they could, you know, give us a switch.
I’m with you, but I worry about them finding it to be so profitable that they expand the scheme to existing features.