or a signed contract?
or a signed contract?
...humane jails, reasonable prompt trials,...
Meanwhile, we can also check for spurs.
Paywall can kiss my ass.
Interesting opinion piece in the NYT yesterday considering the real advantages of going back to where (his ancestors) camp from- Ireland.
And another thing...
Oh, Bernie has teeth. Ask Robert Costa.
Dark. Very dark.
“He entered the court as a moderate Republican and former anti-trust lawyer”
Also, funding proportional to local property values.
“How dare Sanders say that America doesn’t give a shit about African Americans. Sanders HATES AMERICA!”
I love that he has no time for bullshit. I’m still a Warren supporter, but damn.
Betsy. Back home she was known as Betsy.
Can you imagine her outliving Schumer? I can’t. And since Schumer’s not leaving the chamber any way but feet first, she’s better off going for the big job.
More like swamp the drain, amiright?
Nah. If they could fit actual humans into an early nineties Camaro, they can fit them into a stretched Metro with room for batteries underneath. I mean indentations for the feet, sure...
You are correct, but I doubt R. Lawrence was thinking of Locke when he made the comment I was replying to.
Don’t cry for me, Colin Chapman...
I think a lot about how for so long automobiles carried on with the form factor of horse drawn vehicles, and wonder why are EVs carrying forward the form factors of ICEVs. A six passenger luxury EV should be about as high and wide as a GEO Metro, have three rows of two seats, and be as long as it needs to be to be…
Most reports say the seats aren’t great tho. ( I haven’t tried them myself)