It’s an ultra-rare Fiat X 1/18.
It’s an ultra-rare Fiat X 1/18.
I miss the 80s. The visual coding for a “sport” model was so straightforward: blacken all chrome; add a single red strip somewhere. Done!
Giri, we depend on you for cogent, thorough tennis commentary and analysis. Coverage of tournament structure, financial considerations, in-match context, physical fitness and footwork technique are what we have come to expect, and you do not disappoint here. Excellent work, as always. Looking forward to your…
It’s nice to see that, even after all these years, some people still have fun with Spirograph.
This is what assistant principals of elementary schools imagine is going to happen when the fifth grade boys want to play football at recess.
My son’s 12-year-old team came up with that play before their summer travel season. They were in love with the whole notion of the play since 12 year olds are fascinated anything that seems to be sneaky and kinda wrong (but not too wrong; these were straight-laced suburban kids, after all).
“Oh, come on. Even to me, this is messed up. Affirmed.”
Yeah, mine too. It’s one of those little moments I’ll always remember.
Dude. That is a brutal story. Thank you for your willingness to share it, which also gives deserved recognition to your friends and loved ones.
In today’s F1, the only true passing zones are corners of ninety degrees or less. Flowing bends, which is what Zandvoort and most Tilke tracks offer, don’t have proper braking zones where overtaking can occur. The track probably is fun to drive, as the drivers suggest, but I can’t see where there will be any…
Way back in the day, I used to play IndyCar Racing (by Papyrus) on my PC. It was a great game that used real tracks, which is unremarkable now but was a very cool thing back in the mid-1990s. The graphics are laughably crude now, but the gameplay was state of the art then. Nazareth was always a tricky but fun track…
We had a 2001.5 Passat, and agree that it was a stealth luxury car. Just about every creature comfort you could have asked for at the time, a super-smooth V6 with sufficient power, clean lines inside and out. Ours was a wagon, so we also had plenty of room and flexibility for our young family.
What do you mean? An African or a European manhole cover?
Double upvote for the reference to the ESPN article.
You still have a few years to go, Drew, but just over the horizon you will have the heartache of adding up things you will never do again because your kids have grown up. My daughter is about to graduate college; we came to the realization not long ago that she will likely never live under our roof again. My son is…
Whippersnappers. Wait until you get hit with sciatica. I did not have a context for the term “debilitating” until that put me on my back for two weeks.