My son and I bought a 1996 Ranger a few years ago as his first car. It’s showing its age, but I don’t think we’re going to lose money on it.
My son and I bought a 1996 Ranger a few years ago as his first car. It’s showing its age, but I don’t think we’re going to lose money on it.
After all these years, you still bring the good stuff. Nice work.
This pisses me off. My first car was an ‘81 Scirocco. A red light runner totaled it, and I have been casually looking at the used car listings in recent years to see if I could get another one to recreate some of my youth. So many have rusted away that they are hard to find anyway, but inevitably the survivors are carv…
My son’s car, his first that we bought about four years ago, is a 1996 Ranger, with standard bed and extra cab. It’s not quite as clean as the one for sale here, but it’s close. It’s such a great little truck, although it feels its age, and would have even when it was new. As an owner, it’s nice to hear that they are…
“interiors free of visual clutter with a focus on thin pillars, a low cowl and a large greenhouse for excellent visibility...”
Speaking as someone who drives in Oakland every day, there is little that this Tesla did that would seem unusual. Boss-level defensive driving skills are mandatory.
Back in 2000, a buddy and I did a weekend Skip Barber driving course at Laguna Seca. That weekend, a huge storm hit California, soaking people all over the state (some may recall the Southwest jet that slid in heavy rain off the end of the runway in Burbank and nearly into a gas station across the street - same…
My son (and I) bought a 1996 Ranger as his first car three years ago. He wanted a pickup, and he wanted a manual transmission (thus securing my Dad of the Year nomination). His has fewer miles, but probably lived a bit harder life, than this one. We have fixed a few things, but it is mostly easy to work on. It can’t…
James May approves.
I am intrigued by the bystander’s statement that, in her opinion, the car was going “about 100 mph.” I think trying to estimate the speed of a vehicle doing something highly unusual like this one would be difficult at best. The damage to the car also didn’t seem congruent with a collision involving that kind of…
Did you check your IRQ conflicts?
[For the benefit of the non-lawyers here, since you know this already:] UCL is the more complicated route because fees must be sought under CCP 1021.5 as a private attorney general. Certainly not impossible, but an extra hoop to jump through. The CLRA, obviously, is a more direct route (assuming, of course, a lawsuit…
It’s not necessarily a simple matter to just add attorneys’ fees to an award. Under California law, attorneys’ fees are not recoverable unless a contract or statute under which the lawsuit is brought expressly permits the recovery. The car owner here does not have a contract with Tesla; it is unclear what statute(s)…
This is the Danny Vermin of headlights. It lights up the road, and your neighbor’s back yard, and the town, and the next county ...
The program can also do an entire county.
... somehow has not figured out the basics of short-range WiFi.
Don’t believe the PR hype. The entire program consists of one drill, practiced until mastery is achieved: exiting a parking lot without causing injury to self or others.
That cassette-power-adapter-recepticle worked pretty well as a music delivery device when used with an actual cassette.
Leitch, you started something that had a unique voice, a blog of national reach at the height of the era of personal blogs, that brought attention and good-natured snark to a wide range of topics that sometimes even involved sports. Maybe the most important feature of the site was the nurturing of a knowledgeable and…