What was he doing different than all the patrons who were fleeing and/or hiding to make you think that he deserved to be treated like that?
What was he doing different than all the patrons who were fleeing and/or hiding to make you think that he deserved to be treated like that?
“If Bennett was hiding and tried to flee as officers were approaching them, wouldn’t you think “hey, maybe he’s the shooter, let’s detain him until we can find out!””
Colloquially know around these parts as Testilying.
Dear non-corrupt non-racist non-bad police officers: When things like this happen and you don’t speak up, you’re lumped in with these tools. If you want things to change, you need to step up at moments like this.
I would bet every cent I own that you have never been put in handcuffs and detained for a crime you didn’t commit.
That’s a whole lotta words just to say you’re sure Bennett was guilty of something.
Bullshit. He wasn’t the only person in the area that was fleeing. He was illegally stopped, detained and threatened with a firearm for one reason. Don’t pretend you don’t know why. We all know why.
I find it extremely odd that the police union felt the need to bring up a flag protest in their defense of detaining an innocent man. In what way is that related and/or relevant to this entire case?
Not only are we conditioned, it’s a settled legal standard that in he said/she said jumpballs, all else being equal, the court sides with the word of the police.
And my brother is a criminal defense attorney and has told me for years about widespread, blatant lying by police.
But, hey, blue lives matter and God Bless…
How ironic that these claims could easily have been verified and confirmed if the officers HADN’T TURNED OFF THEIR BODY CAMS.
One of my best friends is a public defender and says the police lie frequently and do so with relative impunity because we as a society are conditioned to trust them. This letter smells of that rank bullshit. I pray that footage emerges to back Michael Bennett’s side of the story. I also pray that the ACLU gets…
Sure, two things no reasonable person would do while in the area of a potential active shooter would be running or hiding. That kind of activity in that context is so very very suspicious.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that statements from police union officials are always borne out to be completely 100 percent accurate.
That’s where some of these so-called interviewers have to grow some stones! Carter should have said “I didn’t ask if you were qualified to judge, I asked your opinion. You are a grown ass man who runs the league, so why don’t you give your opinion?”
He has people skills! He’s good at dealing with people! Can’t you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?!
God, I wish the follow-up had been, “do you consider yourself a domestic violence expert?”
$34M last year for this, people. There are doubtless several million people in this country who could do a far superior job, and most would happily do so for <1% of his salary, but sadly their daddies weren’t U.S. senators. Yeah, the NFL is “always about meritocracy”, alright. Get fucked, you born-on-third-base…
Well, at least he’s not lying. This time.