Douche Gossage

Relax? When the president-elect is an idiot with the attention span and ability to convey nuanced positions of a 10 year old? Nope.

It’s almost as if you’re saying that the author is about as qualified as say, DONALD TRUMP, at talking about nuclear missiles. Only difference is that the author has actually done some research on the country’s nuclear arsenal and the amount of destruction it can cause in its current state, and well – the other is

Dude, can you read? Again the OP said nothing getting rid of the nukes. You seem to have a huge comprehension problem here

PSSST ... Gawker doesn’t exist.

Your trolling is bad and you should feel bad.

Funnily enough, gun ownership tends to increase burglary rates. Guns are among the most commonly stole items because they are “valuable loot” — easy to carry and easy to sell for a good amount of money.

Was the question why do we have them? No it wasn’t, the question was if we have them, why can’t we use them. Do you see the difference? And if you’ll notice, I wasn’t asking the question, Trump was. Now try again.

Thank for that 2nd graders essay on MAD.

Completely ignoring your simplistic elementary school view of nuclear weapons, which you apparently share with our President Elect, thieves break into houses of gun fanatics ALL THE TIME.

It’ll die down once Trump takes over. Doubt he’ll do anything newsworthy once in office.

Unless your goal is to steal guns, in which case that’s the first place you burgle.

He’s the new president of the United States. That job comes with a lot of scrutiny. It always did and it always will. Do you need a safe space where you don’t have to reminded of how inept he is?

Well, better get used to it, freedom of speech and all.

Here’s what I find frustrating about your reply and the reply of many right-leaning commenters. What are you actually irritated by? The general anti-trump message? Do you dissagree that trumps words don’t indicate he doesn’t understand what mutually assured destruction means?Because your scoffing tone doesn’t

Dude. NooYawker was saying that Trump essentially wants to use nukes. NooYawker is not saying get rid of them.

Why are you jumping to that conclusion ??

This take is so hot, I’ve got radiation burns!

Straw man alert!

what makes you think he’s suggesting getting rid of them?