Douche Gossage

He has also stated on the record that he thinks ‘if we have them, why not use them?”

You choose to believe the statement you quoted. There might be a good reason why...but I can’t think of one that isn’t grouned mostly in ideology or laziness.
I choose to challenge this second idea, because if it is his true belief, it

President-elect Trump, is that you?

Do you truly not care if things get really fucked up?
Do you genuinely feel that your desire to not hear this stuff for 4 years is more valuable than trying to stop potentially really shitty stuff from happening?
Or do you mostly agree with him...and just don’t like the idea of having your ideas challenged?

This country includes CA and NY. Why do you hate America?
This country was founded on the idea of freedom -including freedom of expression -even freedom to disagree with you. Why do you hate American ideals?

Besides this...you’re not the only person allowed to whine. That’s not how democracy/republican forms of

I’d break in, steal their gun...and then take whatever I wanted.

Guns don’t have magic “protect my owner” spells, doofus. They shoot whoever they’re pointed at.

Holy fucking strawman! What made you - based on the comment, not your biases - think NooYawker was suggesting getting rid of nukes?

You know how I know when someone is all ideology and no brains....when they pull out a retarded strawman like this to escalate the convo or totally derail it.

If one person “misreads” your comment...that’s on them.


What is factually incorrect about this headline?

The whole world is biased against me!!!!

Yes. You were a dick.
You came to a website that is read by 10s 100s maybe 1000s of people other than you...and demanded that it cater to YOUR preferences. That’s a dick move.

WE’re not “behind”...in this intellectual race it only seems like we’re behind, because we’re about to lap you.

So...you want a safe space.
Sorry this headline triggered you. Fucking baby.

Your complaint is that you want jalopnik to be a safe space for you...you LITERALLY want to be safe from things you don’t want to see. But you’re here now mocking the idea of triggering - despite NO FUCKING ONE being triggered by your comment. The only person triggered by that “sexist” comment was the strawman you

Waaaaaaaaaa! Waaaaaaaaaaaa! I NEED A SAFE SPACE! STOP TRIGGERING ME!