
Oh, Mark. So naive.

You're such a man. You scoot your ass in the bathtub until your clit is situated underneath the faucet and then turn the water on, until you have an orgasm. That's what you do when you don't have a handheld shower head.

Bathtub faucet, problem solved

"Scrambled eggs are fine but keep her away from the tossed salads"

I contend that I have never seen my mother drunk, but I wouldn't want to challenge that woman to a wine-off.

Some mornings I wake up thinking "how am I hung over on only three beers?" Then I remember that the beer I now drink is like 3x stronger than the watered-down rubbish I drank in college.

Still a better love story than Twilight.

Time to call the Dynamic Duo !

only some commenters. #notallcommenters

actor makes a comment that was treated as a joke at the time and was later reported as a joke.

That is nothing. I've got a weird thing for Lord Varys that I can't explain.

I think Petyr Baelish is sexy & I want him & Sansa to hurry up & do it:)

I've been on the Aidan Gillen-train since his Queer as folk days. Once you've seen that man naked, it's impossible to shake. (He's hiding some really good stuff under that kaftan)

Also read the best Baelish-pickup line on io9 a couple of weeks ago.

"I'm Petyr Baelish. I come from The Five Fingers and soon, you will too."

I would hate-fuck the shit out of Petyr Baelish.

Who said Petyr Baelish wasn't hot?! Where's my knife? Imma have to cut somebody. *rage searching for knife*

Actually, no - I was like "That water is obscuring my view."

He's hot, but not hot enough for me to pay money to see that movie. Bootleg or bust.

Looks like this will be a movie I will be watching muted. By myself.

Nuh-uh, "i think she said feck" noticed it too!

But they will be talking that awful dialogue in the movies. Can't we just look at stills?