
His bathwater looks grody.

A number of people are asking for translations, so I shall do my best. My training: I grew up in a Pentecostal home and several families members to this day speak like this.

The people questing what we did in such negative ways are doing so because they are not christians. Christians are never negative and would never

Whatever. I am sure more questionable things have been done at weddings before. At least she is secure in her faith.

I've got a bunch bookmarked that are my go-tos:

Smitten Kitchen is amazing. She loves veggies, she loves seasonal stuff, and she has a lot of variety. Also, her food is fucking delicious.

that sounds fucking delicious!

I went to Paris on a school trip in high school. My friends and I went into one of those fancy airport bars for business travelers, I think so they could smoke. One friend brought a sprite bottle full of everclear with him. This was when you could bring liquids through customs, well said friend was shit faced and

I don't have a good story of my own so I'll tell my friend's. Recently she went on her honeymoon. They had a layover in LA and visited a friend. Their friend has a medical marijuana license and gave them some edibles to eat before the flight. My friend got way too high and once they boarded she got so paranoid

In portugal that's called "Toast"

Since bruschetta involves tomatoes and bread that might as well be made of fucking razor blades, yes.

Oh god...the shitstorm will take out the entire western seaboard!

Pool side croissants? You are a man after my own heart.

$4 covers farts and labor , doesn't it?

Re: Pippa

I would watch that Top Gun sequel if it was about how Goose was a ghost and haunted the shit our of Maverick everyday, by like surprising him on the toilet and whatnot. But Maverick just got used to it really fast and then it became an odd-couple type story and at the end they learned to get along after they went on

Oh thank you. Warren G is the only famous person I have a photo with and it was amazing.

My wedding ring was stolen and I was a teeeensy bit hopeful I might get hit on just once just to say that I got hit on. Nope. Still nothing.

Marilyn Manson, maybe? I was really confused by the idea that she was banging a ghost.