Oconus Lures

Glowing? Here? You don’t say...

I agree with everything you said but just a friendly reminder that describing a woman as “loud and obnoxious” sends the wrong signal. That’s not who we are.

Trump doesn’t have a rabid fanbase. That’s right winger nonsense. Spend less time on Infowars. He’s the least popular president of all time. In fact, he lost the popular vote.

Sessions is very clearly not the bottom of the barrel for this administration. Without much publicity or fanfare he has been standing up to Trump with the full power of the DOJ at his back. Why do you think Trump slams him on Twitter all the time? It’s because Sessions, as vile as he may be, is doing what he can to

I don’t have time to do everyone’s goddamned Googling for them! Sorry it’s just been a really busy day with all this North Korea sh*t.

Blacks are also very homophobic

Sounds made up. Either way those jobs are best done by cheap cash migrants. Helps the bottom line of the company and that helps the economy.

Multiple studies confirm that using JC in memes is seen as breaking the third commandment by most Catholic Democrats [and ALL Republican Catholics, fwiw].

I’m doing my best to remain polite but responses like these make it quite the task. It is not the tongue kissing between two men that is offensive to Catholics. Most Catholics are fine with two men tongue kissing. It’s the image that Milton posted of JC that would affect them.

Two things, Milton. “Was raised” implies you are no longer practicing otherwise you would have said “am.” The second point should be obvious. You are a Democrat just as I said. Catholics, for the most part, are Democrats and practicing ones will be turned off by your imagery. All I am asking is that you keep this in

Patently false. Spain has one of the strongest economies in all of Europe due almost exclusively to their socialist policies. Their unemployment calculation includes retirees and those not looking for work.

Please keep in mind that most Catholics are Democrats and this is exactly the type of thing that will push them into Trump’s Christian-Friendly confines. Thanks.

This is an effective rebuttal to those that point to Venezuela, Cuba, or the Soviet Union as examples of failed socialism. Socialism in Spain has worked and they have proven that the future really is female.

Real businessmen know that preparation is the key to success. Howard Schultz is everything Trump is not. Gracious, classy, savvy, and a thinker that cares about social impact before the bottom line. That last part might just be why Starbucks is such a great company and the Trump Organization is mired in bankruptcy.

Sorry Billy Bob. Trump is going down. Mueller is about to unleash hell on his entire administration. Your fascist tactics won’t work here.

The currency here is power, and money is the only vehicle to that end.

Undocumented immigrants pay more taxes than the average American. They also increase domestic wages by taking lower pay and making services cost less. Why do you think the stock market is so high? Undocumented immigrants. This is basic economics.

This is exactly why Kanye is so dangerous to us. He is normalizing pro-Trump behavior which is, make no mistake, exactly what this is. We need to make him a single term president. Howard Schultz can do that and he needs your support.

My fault. I failed to clarify what I meant by “closet.” I meant that she is trying to keep her support of Trump a secret.

Absurd. Delete this.