Oconus Lures

Using the term “The Dems” implies you aren’t one. This is exactly the sort of nonsense of which I speak. The Bernie wing of the left needs to come into the fold already. You are Dems too, you just don’t have the level of power [yet] that you want. Give it time, and stop being so damn divisive.

Whatever good she has done for women in Hollywood is overshadowed by the fact she supports the GOP. I’m sorry, but I can’t get to a place where I’m friends with people whose worldview is so contradictory to my own.

CNN does not have a “shtick.” They report the facts. Like NYT, Huffpo, The Atlantic, Vox, NY Mag, MSNBC, and so many other sources they acquire facts and report them in a way the general public can understand. Just because CNN strives to be a digestible source of news doesn’t mean they have a “shtick.” They do what

It’s not just the separation of families that is inhumane though, is it? The fact that these people want to contribute to our country and build a better life for us and we reject them is an absolutely astounding and unprecedented practice.

This kind of thinking is extremely unhelpful and not true. At some point you all need to realize that the way forward isn’t to tout socialism. That has always been a political loser in America. Now, this is not saying that we cannot enact socialist policy. We can. But we need to win first. That’s why Schultz is so

Fun Fact: Reese Witherspoon is a closet Republican.

She’s right. This is exactly what the hip hop community did with the N word.

Nobody needs one of these things. The money spent on a hypercar could feed fifty families of five for fifty years.

Trump is not whining because he’s lazy. He is lazy, no doubt about that. He has accomplished nothing and played more golf than any other president in history. He does nothing but tweet all day.

Exactly. The military is no longer relevant enough to require even 1/4 of their budget. War is an archaic concept that we need to let go. It is highly likely that WWII was the last real war. Future skirmishes will be data related, cyber warfare. This is much less expensive and can even be automated.

Just keep an open mind about him. Yeah, he’s a billionaire CEO. Totally get that’s not exactly what everyone is looking for, but he’s got a track record of success and an obvious funding advantage over the rest. Just look at what he did with Starbucks. Now apply that to the United States.

“Democratic Infighting Makes The Party More Tolerable”